In Jaffa we then up a few things looked down and include with NEM ship.
All in all, definitely a nice trip, especially for the children.
second newsletter
Dear supporters, dear friends and acquaintances,
since almost 6 months I am now in Israel, that is, half of my time here is over and my second newsletter is almost overdue. The conflict
and so that policy is in Israel and therefore in my FFD very centrally, even in Germany was the example of Gaza war earlier this year very much present. Therefore I would like to describe some political talks with the Palestinians and Israelis, which I had lately. The talks are not natural to me word-literally stayed in my head, but I tried to fond memories of their respective positions in italics to give back.
Reuven Moskovitz is co-founder of Neve Shalom, the village has, however, due to personal differences rather leave to start again. 2008, he has his 80th Birthday celebration in Neve Shalom, he is a Holocaust survivor. He comes from it that way, however, and to visit and in such an opportunity Marvin and I talked to him about the war and the political situation. Reuven is peace activist and politically (for Israeli conditions) rather left. In this respect, he belongs to the small Israeli minority of less than 10%, which was against the war in Gaza: The attacks which are mostly civilians died, only hatred of Israel stirred up and Hamas international and national support procured in the Arab population.
The supply of people in the Gaza Strip during (and after) the war has become even worse, despite the fact that before anyway already only 25% of the required food, fuel, building materials and water were allowed through the blockade.
In a small farm near Bethlehem ( Daher Weinberg ), we have spoken with one of the owners. Due to the lack of building permits they have neither electricity nor running water, while all settlements are supplied all around good. The taking place there Tent of Nations organized meetings between Palestinians and Internationals, and Israelis, if possible:
We have nothing against Jews, not against the people, we only have problems with the Israeli policy. Would the Israelis to see how we are, for under what circumstances we live, they could understand us better. If there is dialogue, there is hope for peace.
Maya, Marvin and I were invited to an Orthodox (Jewish) settler family to eat. Maya was taken while hitchhiking from the man and was so good to talk to him that we do in the evening visiting times were: In Israel strive almost all, even the rights, peace with the Palestinians to the Palestinians but want to respond to an offer . We give the Palestinians as much (land supply in Gaza, even weapons for its police) and they are never grateful do more and shoot at us. There was never a Palestinian state, the Palestinians would be the West Bank or Gaza if they were always a threat because they hate Jews. The Palestinians should be compensated with money and a new beginning in Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon.
Yuval with the T-shirt: Smash Israeli Apartheid .
Israel takes us more and more of our country away from our fields. We do not want a wall and no settlements that deprive us of our belongings. We do not want occupation, we want a separate state. But we fight violence and in cooperation with many international aid workers.
With Yuval , our neighbors (Jewish), has refused to go into the army and therefore go to prison, we are obviously talking a lot about politics: in prison are of course largely less educated people; when the war began in Gaza were there cheered the news, when it said: we again have "killed so and so many Arabs," which is very fascist. (given that was away in Germany on a pro-Gaza demo an Israeli flag on a nearby house by the police) Yes, I hate the (Israeli) flag and also would have tried to tear down.
on Christmas in Bethlehem we met a Palestinian, Hamas chooses. His English was rather poor, although he has tried to explain to us why: Fatah consists only of corrupt people who give the money to take care of their families and is not the Palestinians. In all the years they have achieved nothing, the wall, the occupation, etc. is all grown worse instead of better. I'm not religious, but Hamas can achieve something that stand up for us.
Many of the discussions, I found it very interesting, even if I do not agree with some positions or even strongly reject, I found all the party more or less sympathetic. Many peace activists have relatively little hope for an early resolution of the conflict, but peace seems ever to recede in the distance. After the elected Hamas in Gaza with the majority and was strengthened in the West Bank, Hamas, Israel has, in my opinion, in the elections in February 2009 not selected for dialogue and peace. Hamas is a part of an Islamist party and wants to destroy Israel, it is not only its armed wing. The Hamas also runs many social projects for the Palestinians and collects so sympathy among the people.
The Hamas is an extremist party that makes peace is difficult-I think almost all-clear. Lieberman's Yisrael Beiteinu Party appears to me but no better. Similarly, as the fascist NPD in Germany, he was particularly among young Israelis as well, so that it is the third largest party in Israel. His hatred and can wipe out Palestine with the desire of Hamas in my opinion very good measure.
spite of the right-jerk and the confrontation on both sides I believe that peace is possible if Jews and Palestinians would meet more often personal and not in a system that traits of apartheid life, strictly separated and fear and resentment against the unknown enemy building nearby. Meetings between Israelis and Palestinians to organize more and more organizations (including the School for Peace Neve Shalom). This is at least a glimmer of hope.
course, there is no report of my FFD only political but also personal. The work that I perform, has once again changed a little, an ordinary working day I see something like this:
6:30 : getting up, Malka, a teacher of the kindergarten to pick up from a neighboring village.
9.30: the early work in the school, sweeping the schoolyard and garbage pick up
12.00: bring food for the nursery, small repairs done and what otherwise obtained
13.30: Lunch break
14.30: cleaning the classrooms and toilets
~ 16.30: Finish
All in all not a very exciting challenges that I mostly listen to audio books on MP3 players while cleaning, then it is perfectly ok
addition to the work I undertake what otherwise relatively common with the other volunteers and a few youths from the village. A quick update on what volunteers are there in that moment: Marvin (German), Maya (German), Sebastian (German), Sonia (Switzerland), Diana (USA), Elana (USA) and Fes (England). So we are lately become even more a few more people. We often watch movies together sometimes, cook, have political or religious debates, go to a pub once, make "volunteer's trips", etc., and of course go on demonstrations.
meets as the weather here right now (mostly) a beautiful spring day in Germany, depending on region (Eilat in the south), also have a nice summer day. In February, snorkel in the sea is already a nice thing and the last rain of the year (until October or so) should fall in the coming weeks.
I pray that God touches the hearts of the people who feel hatred, who are frustrated and bitterly. The Lord, grant the ability and patience and love to hear the other side of the conflict and to recognize that behind the facade of the enemy people, who deserve to live a dignified, equal living in peace and freedom to .
bless the Lord and keep you
"Who says this is freedom, is lying. There is no freedom. " Erich Fried