Friday, August 28, 2009
Photes Of Honeywell Thermostat
is noteworthy that here again a blog post of mine!
After many mails I have written and received, it seems useful to create a list of names in which I describe any person with whom I have to do this more often.
on let's go go!
's start with the
- Alfie : Camp Manager of Lake Taupo Christian Camp and that my top boss. A bear of a man so manly that his Chest hair every day you say "hello" as they look over the edge of his T-shirt ^ ^ extreme, funny, extremly nice .. Earlier, he was once rugby players, only that ye ne approximate idea of his stature! He also has training as a mechanic ne behind him so that he will support us when buying a car strongly (hopefully). We will get really every day with him and then we get our jobs for the day. He is married to:
- Gillian : Assistant Manager of the stent LTCCs. A bit smaller than me, blond, handsome. What I've noticed from her, she is a loving mother who knows exactly how to do their job camp. She loves German Gummy bears, especially the white pineapple:) Their children are:
- Shannon : 16 or 17. I do not get much of with her, because she is the most time in Berliner'schen home or at school. She seems quite nice.
- Jacob : Called Jack, 12 years old. Play Rugby (defender). For my amateur eye it does not do well .. perhaps only because his father used to play. And finally:
- Christin : Small, blond, sweet. As simple way to describe a person. It is yet too young for school, but found out pretty good as they each wrap around her finger. Strangers (Such as - still - to me) she is shy .. but that lies down with time, I had betrayed her father.
The Berliners have a big house here on the camp grounds are therefore always available for me whenever I need to talk urgently or the like. Alfie has invited us, whenever we want to come by .. but still keeps me my German upbringing hesitate reinzuplatzen simple. Let's see how quickly puts it.
Then there are the
BERLIN (Senior)
- Judy : 62 years old, is called by all grandma. Works partially in the kitchen, is still quite fit and otherwise babysitting her youngest granddaughter, Christine (above)
- Peter: 64 years old, can speak broken German, because his parents are German. He has lived a long time in South Africa, where his son Alfred Heinz Berlin (see "Alfie") was born. End of the 90 Alfie then came to New Zealand, his parents have complied. The "old enough" to help either here in the kitchen / the maintenance, or after leaving the groups with the cleaning.
- Daniel : Head Chef of the camp. One (for me) strange personality, because he always talks back to itself. Moreover, it is relatively difficult to understand him because his lips do not get more than an inch apart. Is quite nice and he always thawed for more, so I think we will have no problems. His wife,
- Karena : I do not see very often, but seems to be quite nice. Of the children
- Amelia: who is blonde, small and sweet, and the relatively newborn
- Alex: I get hardly anything with, because they are really only at home and I rarely cross paths.
EDGL live above the office, including at a camp. Generally, I have hardly anything to do with them ..
- Chad : works in the office. It's pretty nice, I get along well with him. His humor is of the worst kind of black humor, some of my friends would love him ^ ^ He is an incredible father and attentive at the moment for organizing our next Kids Camps responsible. He is also a gamer and knows generally quite good with computers. He originally comes from the State "Washington" (I think) .. how exactly he came to New Zealand, I do not even .. whom it may concern: I ask for too much. His wife
- Sally : also works in the office seems to be quite nice. Much of it I have not seen it, but it seems to be okay. At the moment it does not work as much as her son
- Elijah : relatively young. One can describe it best when you look at the cat from Shrek imagines. Such eyes of the child. The first time I saw him when he was still in full jetlag as he was with Sally in England. Simply: EYES. Incredibly sweet, he just learns to speak .. is pretty funny.
The Vandermark just stay here if, in nem own house, which is set up really nicely. I-Chen (see below) lives after moving with them.
- Peter: Head of the hosting region and thus most of my contact person. He's a great guy who always starts suddenly, singing strange songs. For example, "bom-chicka-wow-wow". You have to say that he is not a man of silence. He was a few days after our arrival, 24th. (I had it to 30 + estimated). He lives here with his wife
- Candy : on the site. She does not work here, but I do not know where / if they worked before the birth of her son. She is also 24, married to Peter and her son
- Joshua : now (I think) a good 4 months old. He made me smiled twice and that was just * awww * class feeling:)
The Crocombe live 2 houses next to us and Armin and I were already 2 evenings with them, board games with Logan / Kezia (see below) and they play. They are really super nice and I'm glad they live here because they convey a real sense of a large family.
- Megan : Nickname: Trouble . 37 years old. She works as a kitchen helper / cook here and now is the person next to Armin, with which I see myself simply the best. Without exception, in a good mood, it just makes me laugh every day to:) It is separated from her husband, with whom she has 2 children:
- Challse : her daughter, about my age, lives with her and wants to make-up be-artist. She also successfully transmogrified well. I got to know them yet, but is thrilled as they travel, she finds it well great to talk with the volunteers here so far is getting to know so come. (For those who think now sonstnochwas: You NEN friend;)
- Cameron : Megan's son lives with her husband more I can not write to him.
- Carl : If Alfie is a bear, is Carl .. I do not know;) violence in any case. He is the third boss, after Alfie and Gillian. It is to my knowledge, head of maintenance, ie the maintenance of everything here. He is mighty fine, nice and Joah:) His wife
- Jasmine, and children
- Jarred and
- Shavon can you immediately forget. Since they do not live here, I see them and I never wanted to perform it only for completeness
- Phillipa (if they should later be interesting times?): Nickname: Mama Moo. She is the second cook, according to Daniel. Incredibly funny. You just put in a not so great for this as they just separated from her husband, not what is going so smoothly and eventually they will seek a new work project .. In any case, this would be a shame, because I get along well with her always.
- Liam : 24 years old, single. An absolute stereotype of a New Zealander. I never seen him in long pants. His nickname "Hobbit" does not come from somewhere:) He's pretty loud and has ne pool .. something you have not heard. It is okay if he is to me sometimes too extroverted yet. Well:)
- Logan : Unbelievably only 19 (but is proud that he will be 20 soon;) It was after school in the Army, is now a reserve officer and lives in the building next to us. He is next to Megan and Peter actually my main contact person in that it is quite good for us / I care. Although he is a New Zealander and forget so many things for which one has asked him (on ne doormat we have been waiting for our arrival: D), but you get used to something. His hobbies: sports, computers, explosions. Sounds dangerous than it .. [And no, I do not say just because my parents read this blog here!]. His girlfriend
- Kezia (pronounced Kisia) is not married to him, but for the record, I pack them here this time. She is studying in Auckland, so does her boyfriend only about every 6 weeks (except he visits. He has no car .. but so far ...). She is studying social work, is super nice and they lose, no matter against whom, ALWAYS in "The Game of Life". Good for me, but she says: "This game hates me"
- Lorraine . It is the Devil driver who has picked us. She works here in the office as the main force. As a best friend Megan (see above) they hst the nickname "Double" in progress (Double Trouble ...) Recently it has the nickname "Dangerous". Where it comes from the, I do not, however: D
Lorraine and Megan have worked in any case a trip for us volunteers, who will likely lead to Taupo and the Lake Taupo. I'm curious. Next weekend is expected to take out the fun.
- Steve . Nickname: Hedge or Gus. This man, I would estimate it to around 50 runs, in 14 years by New Zealand. He NEN caravan in which he lives, cooks and lives, and every three to four weeks he is here and works in the dishwasher. He's really funny on it and knows a lot of good stories.
- Nici : Works normally in the office. As they get, however, as somehow all here, just a child, I have seen them first. Probably this will in the coming weeks and months to change. Her husband
- Jeremy, and their son
- James I quote here just look at this:)
Sodele! Probably one of the longest blog entries that it has ever been given by me /, but then the critics who always cry out for new entries, sometimes a bit busy!
I want to say thank you again for all the mail that you sent me here so hard, led a lonely boy from Frankfurt;) It really is a great feeling to open their mailbox and see that someone has written! I really do not completely lose the connection with Germany.
What else is new? Armin and I find ourselves still in the auto-search phase, it does not look too bad. Otherwise, we are planning our strongest month of travel (for example, is a 3-day hike on the South Island), weekend getaways and Joah!
Life here is incredibly great, you learn something new every day and I'm feeling a fiddle! :)
Greetings from Waitetoko
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Pinnacle 150e Treiber
Kia Ora,
here registers a bit tired, a little hungry, but quite as happy to be described Niklas, who must admit that the second image journal NOT written after dinner is.
I ask many times to apologize for it, but my laptop here will still not make out with the Internet, so far I have always beschnorren Armin and Matthias, so that I can to the PC. And then sometimes I'm too lazy to write something here, but then answer but only the mail that you (yes, are you meant:) me here diligently writes.
words there is yet more smoothly with the pictures:
The next 2 pictures were taken on Mount Manganui, the highest hill in the area. Grant, our baby sitter at the Orientation Camp, had driven us there, and we are highly motivated since booted:) Just in time for sunset, we were at technically-effective Photo areas, so you have to look here something! knows
this beach, you will have the last post. It is the dream beach of Papamoa. Sunday morning, the day on which we should come to our projects were motivated and Armin and I adopted each of the volunteers, so we had to get up to 5 clock to do the first six months to a fine. The next group should start at 7 clock and - unwilling to go back to sleep - so we walked the 2 minutes to the beach and got to see this light show. Impressive, beautiful, and everyone here at Fal a good match for our year:)
[Should make I thought that since "NO EXIT" under it is ^ ^?]
And this is already the last picture for today! Here you see the welcome sign of LTCC next to it with the people who I would first talk to withstand half the year must and crazy enough to join me in December / January to embark on a road trip;) His name is Armin:)
then makes even good:) and get in touch in time!
PS: I thank my parents, Connie and Simon for their cards / letters:)
Friday, August 14, 2009
Which Steam Mops Can Also Do Walls
And already I sign again. can
This time you can finally see some pictures! Although not many, and perhaps not particularly unusual, but all the critics should just come here even her:)
We also got yet ...
... this very tasty breakfast, consisting of NEM rztrockenen f * muffin, tea, ice-cold orange juice, fruit salad (probably also from the Antarctic).
The slightly warm in the lower right corner turned out to look at (not with food ^ ^) as a sausage, egg and tomato sauce with beans / pasta / piece? Yes, yes ... Air New Zealand, right?
We have played football and / or touch rugby, relaxed and natural images done:)
"Here are Michelle (left) and Wayne (right, as I said, please, no jokes about the name! ).
Michelle is the director of the New Zealand ICYE and makes a damn good job! It has an emergency phone to call what we do when we're really in trouble. (Drunkenness is not considered a serious case ^ ^)
Wayne is also working with ICYE and has, like Michelle, an incredibly sexy humor. Kathi, the responsibility for me and when I have to report at any time, here is unfortunately not on it.
[The names of the two gifted singers conceal I here now ^ ^]
And just as an example: The teaching was really good ! :) Would have
really stupid when you here ->
would make a mistake, or follow? ^ ^
more pictures .. But now there first DINNER (also called "dinner" referred to ^ ^)
you later,
your shepherd Niklas
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Los Hombres De Paco To Wach The Last Episode
Hello and welcome to the first entry in my project:)
is after the last entry has again so much happened that I do not know exactly what all happened. If one of you is boring, you can even read the New Zealand blog, which you can find right below ...
Sodele. Ran to the Bacon: More about the Orientation Camp: We were pretty neatly separated by sex, in several houses accommodated. Showers were available throughout the park, so that is usually executed in rushes of the most bitter morning cold and shivering in front of it, or twice a shower was free. It must be said that such a shower room was quite luxurious. Several hooks for hanging clothes, a very minimalist attributable to the boards for the rest of the clothes and do not forget a plastic mat on which to stand while showering, they would not drill in pushing the sole of the foot. Quite devised can also be called the ventilation system of this shower. To save power and preserve the nature-friendly reputation of New Zealand, just the door has been cut by about 20cm, so that the "warm" conditions for New Zealand air more freely one could surprise in the shower. Well ... at some point I then proceeded to have breakfast quickly and simply then use one of the 4 girls showers, as they were in the house, quite as big call and had to have enough hot water.
The day started with breakfast every morning at 8:00 clock, English clock hours from 9.00, which was interrupted by a 5-minute tea break. After lunch we continued with English until about 4 clock. From there we were entertained by Grant, an assistant at the camp, with all sorts of activities. (For example: 2 minutes to the beach mega horny running and rugby / soccer games or just relax).
You have to really mention the weather: In the evening / night and the morning one is grateful for any theater within reach. At noon it can be so warm that you think seriously about shorts ... That's the Kiwi way of life;)
All in all, the Orientation Camp was really fun to see, especially all the other (including foreign) volunteers and meet you.
Sunday afternoon we went by bus to finally rid our project! Lake Taupo Christian Camp! * * Wuhuu
3 hours by coach, including one change and not enough space .. everything in the price of it:]
War but with MP3 player and relax completely okay.
had to change trains when we tell the bus driver that he should please stop in Te Rangiita "... (As much schonmal to the size of our "city" here ^ ^). So we were thrown against 3 clock afternoon from the bus and stood in front of a gas station. Right: nothing, just a road ... Links: nothing, just a road ... Joah, right?
Erstma changed the street to ask about in the gas station (perhaps we should indeed TRACE to the project?). The road cross-over trial, we were almost run over, because of course we had forgotten that one needs to look to the right! [How stupid of us * cough *]
In the gas station We were then shown the least schonmal direction and the offer to call the camp. Friendly disagreement, in the naive idea that there might be someone on the way to pick us up, we waited outside. Shortly after, a woman bangs in a small van up to us ... Brakes? No way! We're young, athletic volunteers! So we rescued us with a spirited leap from being as early as 7 end-to-day of our visit New Zealand as a road paving ..
The near-murderer introduced herself as Lorraine, who works in the Office of the LTCC (Lake Taupo Christian Camp). She had been waiting for us after our bus but not even 10 minutes after the set time appeared, was They drove to Turangi, where the bus stops accessible. In any case, we deposited our luggage between, took her to the camp and then back to third to the baggage from the friendly, they are very young garage mechanic (maybe 16/17?) Collected.
based in Camp 4 guys we (Armin, Matthew, Timothy and myself) a small hut, which is the name of "house" has yet to earn. 3 bedrooms with 12 beds: D and a bathroom that could be described as clean. I-Chen (Taiwan, our) needs for about 2 weeks in nem trailer home because they are no residential opportunity free and it does not work, that in our "house" lives. (Christian belief Blab) Meanwhile, we quarrel it so that she takes a shower at least with us, as the showers are in the Orientation Camp Camp probably New Zealand Standard: D
Hmmm ... Our daily schedule looks right now like this:
7:30 pulls the alarm me from my dreams
7:45 I can motivate them to get into the showers
7:58 hear the food siren on a hitherto peaceful and slumbering camp site
8:00 BREAKFAST:] muesli , toast, and usually baked beans / spaghetti or any others;)
8:40 into the house run back brushing, teeth, and quickly back
8.45/8.50 report to Peter / Logan / Liam or Alfie, the tasks for the day to pick
11:00 Morning Tea! A cup of tea, and crackers with salted egg, tomato, cheese, meat or muffins (warm, fresh and meeeeegalecker)
12.00/12.20 Lunch ... usually cold when the cook (or Phillipa Daniel) is in a good mood, also in hot ^ ^
15.00 Afternoon Tea .. same as morning tea
17.00 Official end of our time (today we have been to 3 Final .. made so far ^ ^) 17:30
dinner. Best meal as complete hot:] The New Zealand always eat meat with vegetables, potatoes, gravy and usually a dessert, what would pass for a monthly salary of calories in the Weight Watchers includes:)
Then we have free time .. At the moment I'm writing grad, Tim and Matt sitting in front of me, look at LotR II, while Armin showers. I-Chen comes after over yet and we play cards or something. We have set out to do, to be held in the week a French, a Taiwanese and a German evening in which we learn something about the country, learn the language or otherwise.
What I can tell yet (I think I chatterbox here quite long ..)
Oh .. our first project: a huge parking lot, paved decades ago, was well covered last year with small stones, which should be used to look. Now they have figured out that these stones move through sole contact in the houses. Now we should this surface free of stones. Broom, shovel, motivated volunteers + 5 on a much too large area = §$%(/?"
Nuuunja. Aches I have now. But on the other hand it is very satisfying to feel the evening, what did they do during the day .. and every day when I walk past the carpark, I think to myself: "Jaha .. I was"
Otherwise, we now get to and after instruction in the various Activities .. So far, we already had the treasure hunt across the whole area, archery, so ne Art "air gun" and Low Ropes.
Hmmm .. what else? 2 pairs of volunteers have already bought a car .. Armin and I will probably also a purchase, because we need to Turangi to 12 minutes mitm car, .. 30 to Taupo and a car from the camp is not an option, since the insurance only applies from 21st (Only I-Chen's old enough [on the exact age of the author is silent on this point ^ ^], but that from its driver's license 4 years ago no longer run).
to some insider info yet: I know now officially a man whose daughter has played in Lord of the Rings. Now, if your die-hard fans could dig out the first part, fast forward to the site, enters at Gandalf with the car in Hobbington and then the children look carefully at the run after the car. The girl in the middle? Small, blonde, super sweet? Jap! Genaauuu the! Their father is my boss:] Cool, is not it?
Before I say goodbye now here is another Kiwi Note: No matter what you have to finish school here, once you're 20, you may study at a university:] Fantastic system, right?
In the sense that everything is (currently) better than at home [apart from the isolation]
PS: A big <3 für Eric
PPS: Who wants to chat with me, must, until such early! Eric chats every morning on my way to work with me ... so at about 9 clock:]
PPPS: My laptop does not want to make friends here with the Kiwi-Fi .. so far I am using at the moment with Armin's PC .. can not therefore use it as I could with my ^ ^ you tolerate a little with my Skype and the like ^ ^
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Whats A Good Park Snowboard?
after I briefly at the airport Aucklanders free to the Internet and was able to report me, I can finally first blog entry draft.
I'm sitting here in a cyber cafe, next to me a strange kiwi, the even stranger online games ripped my right Fiorella from Costa Rica, about Hotmail her friends informed that she is still alive.
to flight (if I have time and time later ne decent German keyboard is detailed out!): As Eric has already commented right before we had wonderful late and are against district 1 German time is lifted. The lights went out by and by, I was already very sleepy ..... But NEIIIIIIN! Dinner * what else? * Gabs What? Lamb: D Well .. the Entertaimentprogramm me then so captivated that I Narnia (the first) looked for the half, then got started Watchmen. Recommended only for strong spirits because he has proved to be a cross between Kill Bill and Sin City. Joah .. otherwise go to drink far too little boring, but hardly slept joah. After 12 hours
fuel stop in Singapore, which is nothing really exciting happened. From there we went again 8 hours after Sydney, where I was among the lucky ones, who were allowed to continue flying immediately. So once again close to 3 or 4 hours to Auckland, where we were more or less all their bags (John backpacker backpack was missing, said he had seen him ausm plane, but who knows what happened to it ...) In any case, we waited for ages before the New Zealand Customs, teeth cleaned, and so on .. Eventually we decided that we simply continue (of course John had volunteered with the airline). Customs was no problem out there, we were greeted by a nice guy who told us gently that we are still waiting for others to .. So again we spent 3 hours in the airport! * Yay * Subway and McDonald's were too tempting and then find a bottle of water that was then the first payment of NZ $.
Then it went
again about 2 hours with NEM age-old Klapperbus in our accommodation, where Michelle us (the NZ ICYE leader), Wayne (please, no jokes about his name!) Expected and Kathy. Some German volunteers had arrived the day before and were happy for us to see. Overall, we are now about 20 German, a Costa Rican, a Bolivian, a few Swiss, three Austrians internal, 1 Frenchman (Michelle has him with "The Frog" announced ^ ^), an Ami and joah .. everything reminds me of a non-grad.
We have up to and including Saturday 30 hours of English lessons with quite nervous nice woman .. the placement test, I'm in the best group slipped and Joah ^ ^ ... is relatively boring, but with all the people but very funny.
my stay I know on it already! 21.12.2009 - On 29 28/29.1.2010 January begins the Midyear camp where we will make wild-water rafting.
Hmmm .. we just have our foreign account with Westpac opened. Erstma cash paid .. then any cash deposit costs $ 3, which I think is okay.
A little about my project (I set later when a closer look before ^ ^): Come As expected, I go there with Armin and Matt .. I have heard in recent days is that we will get support from the Taiwanese I-Chen and the Frenchman Timothee (or so ^ ^). In addition, there is already a volunteer and we All of us have to probably around 500 children take care * SHOCK * I read here
degree nor your mails which are already so eingetrudelt .. Thank you for that! It's fun to read that it's cold and raining with you. We isses Lunch / Afternoon really sunny, warm and pleasant. Evenings, nights and mornings are bitterly cold, so our house fogged from the inside. So the rumor is true of poor insulation.
So, the first wars ... the bus leaves the same going back to camp, so far I need to hurry up ^ ^
.. I am looking forward to comments, emails and letters (Where you should still wait for those until I can confirm to you the letter address!) From
dearest greetings a small New Zealand Cyber Cafe:) love
How To Give Someone A Wegie
my time in Palestine / Israel is now almost over. Before I return, I will bring this newsletter again shortly to update and pull one or the other small conclusion.
first to work and Neve Shalom / Wahat al Salam as a project: After 10 months in school, I work since early July, "the pool", as also in the school, the work is limited largely onto cleaning. After 11 months of cleaning, I can now almost Safe to say that this is not the job I want to take in the future ... I will not do any interesting work, but I was clear beforehand and that was more or less ok Sun I am disappointed, however, from the village in many other points, among others, on how volunteers are often treated and viewed ( only as cheap labor, etc.) and of the many, many conflicts that exist within the village. Above all, there were some problems with the volunteer coordinator and the manager of the village, where we were met with a behavior that I find completely impossible. (I want that now run not on) Anyway, I can Wahat Al Salam / Neve Shalom recommend as a place for volunteers no further.
course, there are many positive things here (you can keep the village as to good, that the disputes never actually do with the conflict between Jews and Arabs have to do and I had Annoyances despite many of the "official" page is a very good time here, because it was never there for me to work in the foreground, but the encounter with people (usually outside of work), both with volunteers from all over the world and with Israelis and Palestinians. I have had the opportunity not only many to get to know interesting people but also two cultures, the Jewish-Israeli and Palestinian, to live closer.
Many of the calls / meetings ... I've had here or revolve around politics or take place in the context of political campaigns.
Some things work from a European perspective (which I also after a long time here still have) very unreal. For example, I was several times at night in Bil'in (a village in the West Bank that, with weekly demonstrations, (successful) lawsuits and other actions against the (in this case, even under Israeli law, international law anyway) illegal wall relative within their village boundaries violent protests ). There, in the past Weeks for 20 young people at night "hijacked" (arrested by the Israeli army, without warrants or similar). To document these "arrests" and if possible to prevent Israelis from International and then have the peace movement together with the Palestinians from Bil'in and the nights spent there the lookout for the soldiers. The approach of the soldiers a little reminiscent of a night-time adventure of YMCAs, but it is deadly serious, the arrested youths spend but 4 months in prison and forced under torture (kicks, punches, etc.) their "deeds" to confess and more young people to betrayed. The charge: Rock-throwing pose demonstrations.
any event be sold, the soldiers in groups of about 20 a few miles outside the village. Full Tarnmontur (including color of the face), the soldiers then sneak into the village. In most cases the soldiers are 3:00 to 5:00 clock in the morning in the village, sneak to the house where they suspect their "target" and then break open the door to arrest those. Then come military jeeps bring to the village and both soldiers and those arrested from the village. The goal of the international and Israeli activists to document mainly things (films and photographs) and by the presence of the soldiers to less violent and to encourage voluntary behavior.
During the nights when I was in Bil'in came (thankfully) not soldiers, two American activists with whom I've spent a lot of time, but were arrested by now and would be deported. One of them, Charlie, was directly in the night after I held with him in "Night Watch" was arrested, (and in such arrested that he is here a rib is broken) because he put himself before the entrance to a Palestinian house added. (These things are not the way rumors I've heard somewhere, but things I have sometimes seen with my own eyes, some first-hand Witnesses told got. Much is also available on YouTube (in the form of videos), or at the following sites: , )
Another sad fact that I find remarkable is that the "scene" of the Israeli peace activists is very small. I would say that I at least 80% of the activists from the region Tel Aviv - Jerusalem by sight know. Measured against the size of the Israeli activists there are, however, many international. The result is that, from time to randomly meet people that have been taken on any demos before. A very interesting
Personality Marvin and I met during a trip to Egypt in a hostel by chance in Cairo again. It is a 70-80 year old nun, who we had met during a peace conference in Bil'in. A long time in their life (15 years) she has worked in Gaza, where they also wanted the moment to go back. For this purpose they had in the day an episode Temin in the Egyptian Foreign Ministry. In your opinion, Hamas is a benign organization that only wants peace and nothing to do with its Charter actually not really much added. Certainly, this image is strongly influenced subjective and not quite the reality accordingly. However, Hamas, Israel has made repeated peace overtures and is ready for talks without precondition. And that they do not thoroughly Islamic-conservative, shows, among other things, that the Hamas foreign minister (2nd Highest Hamas official in Gaza) with Code Pink, a U.S. feminist-pacifist organization has taken. The people of Code Pink, I've just taken it, they described Hamas as very friendly. (Actually, they did not meet with Hamas, but with such an invitation, one can reject bad) Also, a letter from the Hamas to Obama (the code to see Pink) they had in the original and it sounded very reasonable. Of course I do not want to trivialize
Hamas suicide bombings are disgusting and launch rockets against civilian population is morally reprehensible. But in the face of the (much) more numerous indiscriminate and targeted arrests and assassinations, the blockade of Gaza, the occupation of the West Bank and repeated acts of war, in which the collateral damage of civilians were so high that one can confidently speak of massacres, to me is already the question which of the elected governments (and both governments are elected), the larger spread terror.
I do not claim in any way to judge objectively, but I have some aspects of the occupation, to the indiscriminate killing, "bi" and can still only partially understand what it must be to experience it every day. And when I speak of occupation, massacres and apartheid (and I do, even if not the apartheid such as that in South Africa, is if the company in the area that was until 1948 the British Mandate for Palestine, a system of racial segregation not be dismissed out of hand), then I'm not talking just so so, but I am fully engaged in the relatively recent history of the "holy land".
who sees things differently and / or questions / comments can feel free to contact me (preferably directly in person when I'm back again), I am happy to discuss available on policy in the Middle East.
Greetings from Palestine / Israel and God's blessing
Saturday, August 1, 2009
What Does The Blue Cause Bracelet Mean
Hall oils Friends of the light entertainment,
scarce nine hours, then he takes off, the plane, with me ... The backpack is packed (and not a perfect 20 kilos Fitzelchen more room in it), hand baggage and the same .. one last time pie and coffee, then it's already almost "bye" to my room to the house, Bad Homburg, to Germany.
12 hours is the flight to Singapore where we have about 2 hours refueling. If you're lucky, the rumor proved true of the wireless for free, and a new blog entry coasts one. Then on to Sydney, arriving at 5 clock time. Bad news this morning from Vincent (luckily I've experienced it before then:) Most have 4 hour stay and fly only on at 9.30! I have however, only 1 hour and lifted by 6 to Auckland. There I must then wait 3 hours to clear my Mitvolunteers (lunch, I come!).
Then we picked up from New Zealand and ICYE brought to Tauranga, where our introductory seminar takes place. It begins Tuesday and is on 9.8 (ie Sunday) border. Either we get the day right in our projects, or only on Mondays.
During the seminar, should the opportunity arise, to report to sometimes short, to anticipate that I'm still alive:)
I would like to thank everyone involved still the farewell party that has made her name well all honor and probably could not have been nicer. Some of the gifts have found their way into my luggage (for example, Hagens compass ^ ^), while others eke out a lonely existence in my room (which are generous;).
Sodele .. does well .. a year is long, but short (because everything is relative!). I look forward to contact of any kind (whether write, email, Skype, ICQ or whatever).
dearest wishes from the world drivers
PS: From here one more time greetings to Marleen, which is currently staying in distant America:)