Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Medical Malpractice Complaint Example
For some time I have at the supermarket in Sucre the Christmas candy on the shelves pointed out that soon to be Christmas. In particular, the masses of quasi-Panetone identical with our German Christmas cake. Since I mainly in the Advent season on the road, there was no advent calendar this year for me. Even Santa Claus has not come. So began the preparations for Christmas really only at noon on 24 December. I went to my host family where I had lived in the time of the course in the first month. Besides my two host brothers, my host sister, who is only 2 months old, my host parents, and even the parents of my host mom and her siblings had arrived. Together did we have put ourselves on the way and bought several things you need so now time for Christmas: Christmas tree has branches all real Christmas trees do not exist. Moss and a small little house for the crib and Christmas tree ornaments. At Christmas time there is a huge market in Sucre, where you can buy anything for Christmas. Then we decorated everything and prepared the food: Picaña. Picaña is typical of Bolivia. A soup with chicken, potatoes and corn. Since there is a sharp version and a version of wine in the sauce. Whether the name Picaña that has to do with the same electrical device with which you can miss electric Hocks, I do not know. In any event, the sharp Version shocked me a bit but was still tasty. The grandfather had bought lots of beer, I actually thought that maybe would Christmas be the only festival in Bolivia, where once nothing was drunk. Anyway, we were all tired after dinner so that we are no longer went to Mass, talked a bit, sang and watched a movie. Gift there was also the first time no.
The next morning I was awakened by my host father. I should hurry, we would go to the wedding. Huh, wedding? On 25 December? The Christmas Fair and Bridal Fair was held in one, that day I have seen countless wedding couples. The Bolivians prefer to marry in even-numbered years and particularly enjoy the Christmas season. A friend of my host father has also married. After the wedding we went buy gifts. Instead, as in Germany, I have seen many families that run on the day with their children through the shops. Which may then choose something that will be packed by them and later reopened. In all the city's streets were filled with people. People from the countryside, which are among the poorest in the country. They all come for Christmas in the city, hoping that the people there at that time are united and donate money. They also sell their products from the country at roadside stalls. After Lunch and consumption of the remaining beer allowed, my host brothers, then open their previously purchased gifts. In Bolivia only really gifted children until the age of 10-12 years. I had bought for each and every gift, but also the adults have been happy then, once again to be allowed to open a Christmas gift. In the afternoon I played for hours with my host brothers and their gifts. That evening there was the wedding, but I stayed with the Grandpa with the kids. On Boxing Day, the rest of it all and not much happened in Bolivia.
But there was a belated Christmas present from President Evo Morales: Gasoline increased by 57%, diesel by as much as 82%. This means strike. Mini buses in the city no longer drive, taxis are more expensive, out of the city, it is also no longer coaches, but only by plane or car. Whether it becomes a general strike, I do not know. In any case, put a lot of people yet been determined. In some cities, the markets have already closed and here in the supermarket has fewer products on the shelf. I am sure that travel is generally more expensive in the new year and some products are more expensive. When inflation hits the back particularly the poorest of the poorest hardest, and all who work in transportation. Let's hope the best is that everything is back New Year reasonably normal. In this spirit, have a Happy New Year 2011!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Is Xanax Ok After Drinking
We start in my apartment in Sucre and take a taxi to the terminal. There, quickly give up the luggage and already we are on our reserved seats in the Sleeper in the front row of the second floor with the best view of the road. Eye mask, ear plugs, ceiling. Good night. Overslept! Actually we had in El Alto, the "poor neighborhood" of La Paz, which is even larger than La Paz exit, are planned. Well no matter. Then just in La Paz Selina and Michael, two volunteers from El Alto, have also pleased that they are allowed to pick up then down in La Paz rather than in El Alto.
El Alto is also over 4000m, it is colder than in La Paz, sometimes up to 5 degrees. You need at least half an hour from the top down in El Alto to La Paz in El Alto se, there is not much to see, so my roommate Luke and I go down to La Paz where we spend the whole day, to meet with other volunteers in the evening and go back up in El Alto. In the short term we choose the next morning to Copacabana, go to a tourist town on Lake Titicaca. Lake Titicaca is said that the Bolivian Titi have the side and the Peruvians, leaving only the Caca page. I can not judge, but the site is in Bolivian Titi floor beautifully in any case. In Copacabana we stay but not for long. Too many tourists, of which we had ourselves away in recent months more and more. The worst are those who do not speak English can and then complain about the fragile English of the Bolivians. Actually, they can be easily identified. They carry North Face jackets and come from the United States and were in Bolivia their great adventure.
Anyway, we go after a quick refreshment on directly to the Isla del Sol, the sunny island. Our budget is tight, because there are no ATMs in Copacabana with foreign bank cards, I am completely without money, that's enough of Luke for our overnight stay and meals on the sunny island. Once there several guys rush towards us and ask us whether we need a hostel. We respond only once, because usually they want money for it later. We are in the south of the island, there are more tourists than the north. Each tourist has to his or her luggage up the first hill where the village is located. For a price high and bear the villagers or their asses. We carry our own
arrived at the top, we must opt for a hostel. Double room with bath down the hall, and occasionally hot water here costs 2-3 euros per person. We explore a bit of the village and the island. In the evening we fall into bed tired. The next morning we do in the north of the island, but we lack the time. Furthermore, one must in every village on the island to pay customs hereinzudürfen. We go to the highest point in the south, from where we can see the north, some wonderful photos and enjoy some sun. 3 young girls come and wish us to make sure a picture of them. After initial hesitation, Luke makes a picture. Then the shock. They want money for it because they say we would show the image then the people in our country. We answer, we would have wanted no picture at all and we would delete it again. want to lurk on this island in every corner of people make money. Certainly understandable. But who ever supposed to travel to Bolivia trying to watch and really Bolivian Bolivian culture and food, is wrong on the Isla del Sol. At least in the south. There, the Bolivians have adjusted, although there are no cars, just donkeys on the island, which has no or little Bolivian specialties. Sandwiches or pizza. We got bad weather on the second day and therefore have enough of the island and move us back to the ferry to Copacabana. En route we will pass reed islands. The islands are floating on Lake Titicaca, and where to stay Toughened can too. From Copacabana we drive on the same day to Cusco in Peru.
morning we get really tired in Cusco and let aufschwätzen us the first hotel. 30 per person. We still think in Bolivianos, which would then be about 3 €. There are but 30 soles, or 75 bolivianos, about 8 €. This is not the situation here much. But it is worth it: hot showers, breakfast, comfortable beds and television. On this day we will look at Cusco. The cathedral is visible primarily from within very beautiful, and it is also a small pedestrian zone, what we lack in Sucre. But to go as a tourist through the pedestrian zone is only one no pleasure. One afternoon we spoke to an estimated 50 people. They want us to offer trips to sell hats, jackets and gifts. And lots of Women who offer massages. If we have a few days later should be in Cusco, we would feel in our bodies, why would need a massage. But that later. Later we go to
Sacsayhuamán still to Machu Picchu, the second most important preserved Inca site in Peru. Rip-off! We do not want to see the sights of the city, have to also buy an entrance ticket for all. The view over Cusco is great, but except for a few walls, there is nothing to see there. Maybe I'm here as the Trier Porta Nigra and the Imperial Baths and also just used another.
A nice older man comes over, says but he could just take a picture of us. I think so ok why not. But he does so in quick succession several pictures of us and wants at the end of course money again. New items, please! Darn it, I think I'm annoyed and give the man a few Soles.Nach dinner in "Victor Hugo", a super nice Peruvians, we fall into bed tired. We promise to Victor Hugo, a couple of days later on our return to Cusco again in his bar.
The next morning we head to Aguas Calientes, the village at Machu Picchu. We take but not the way of tourists. Normally, you drive a taxi again at a train station a half hours from Cusco and from there Until then the train to Aguas Calientes. But the Peruvians in contrast to the Bolivians have the hang of it and Train fares in dollars. So the whole cost about $ 40. We take a normal bus with Peruvians and a few tourists who have somehow also got the tip. Then take a taxi. We have to cross the river walk across a suspension bridge and the taxi change, it has been raining a lot and the road impassable. The last piece you have to take the train to Aguas Calientes. $ 7 for a few minutes. Since we would have another 2 hours on the train to wait, we just go on foot. With full luggage we on for 3 hours along the railway line. Messed up and sweaty evening we reach Aguas Calientes. But it was worth it. A beautiful trail along the rushing river and the way we have paid a maximum of 60-10 dollars, instead of just 40th We still buy the tickets for the next day to Machu Picchu. Sorry, we do not come through as students, therefore, adult prices, which are a bit more than 30 €. And the few minutes by bus the next morning to the ruins high cost another 10 dollars. Not that we were totally on austerity, but still we choose to walk again.
means: We stand at 3.30 clock in the morning. Then we go to the bridge and have to wait a bit until the path is open to the Inca sites. Also present: warm clothes, rain jacket, hiking boots and the latest issue of GEO's. Why? Comes later.
The rain jacket and flow are unnecessary, the rise is only for athletes or people with lots of ambition. At least 50 people want to take this morning climb. Luke and I come from among the top 10. Instead of 60 minutes we need most 40th Most men have freed themselves almost completely from their clothes. Only later, some one take the first buses with the other visitors. Per day may visit the remains of only 400, but we have our place safe. We take a guide. He tells us much about the Incas and Machu Picchu. Whether it was a city or also served military purposes, we do not know exactly, there are no written records. Machu Picchu means old peak and is Quechua, the language of the Incas, still spoken in parts of Peru and Bolivia. I will try in the new year times at her, as also with me in the project, many people still speak Quechua. Machu Picchu was probably only 100 years inhabited around the 15th Century. Entering 20.Jh it was exposed by an American professor, to this day are still some treasures in the United States, Peru, therefore, has now sued the United States. The Incas were very advanced for their time. They were leaders in astronomy and other scientific areas. Anyone interested in more detail for Machu Picchu can even look in on Wikipedia, since that is actually quite good.
After the interesting tour, we have still climbed Huayna Picchu. Huayna Picchu is on young German summit. It is higher and very steep. Impression that the Incas were already able to build a path up there. On the ascent is not difficult. But when you have big feet you have to go sometimes on the side. From this mountain overlooking Machu Picchu and all in the valley where the river and runs the railway line. If you as the morning mist still comes to feel like you are in heaven. Now comes the GEO into the game. There was an article about Machu Picchu and also photos of employees. To these colleagues, I'm gone and they've shown the photos, they were very happy about it and laughed. You are now famous, the same has probably done it before a Japanese. After this wonderful trip to Machu Picchu, we are already up 13 clock returns to Aguas Calientes. Showers, dinner and sleep!
The next morning we returned to Cusco, this time by train because there was no other way. Not only that foreigners have different prices, they even sit by locals in separate train compartments. Strange! In Cusco we will visit again the place of Victor Hugo. Meanwhile I had also understood why were all massages. Me too sore legs and back from all the running. Another macabre observation I made that day. Many of the security people in Cusco wear on their uniforms, a sign with "SS". This stands for "Servicio de Seguridad." Was seen only once strange.
That evening we made our way back even to La Paz in La Paz was first to recover. We had slept for nights, little had been en route continue, our bodies still had a little added. Luke is the next day drove back to Sucre, I decided to stay a bit. Arne, another volunteer, I am still moved north into the tropical Yungas of La Paz. There we have really made good holiday. We have Dennis, a volunteer who visited Caranavi and are staying even with him. Up to 40 degrees are there in the moment, so we went swimming every day. The Padres in the rectory have been very nice and we even fed by the 4 days. This is true Bolivian simplicity and hospitality! Famous in the Yungas is the death road that cuts in hours 3000 meters from La Paz to Coroico. She is said to be the most dangerous road in the world. Today, many tourists take them down with the bike, because there are developed a new, paved road to Coroico.
Back in La Paz we visited a Tiwanaku. Tiwanaku is the Machu Picchu Bolivia. Again, the admission was relatively expensive, but was not worth it in this case. Bad signs, no stairs and rubble everywhere and construction workers. As you notice the difference between Bolivia and Peru. And this from a place where has the current President of Bolivia Evo Morales as a sign of his indigenous ancestry can swear.
After Tiwanaku I also had enough of culture and went back in time for Christmas to Sucre. One of the best trips I have ever done in my life!
you look necessarily the photos of my trip to:
Saturday, December 25, 2010
How To Sugar Coat Fruits
The girls ... |
... and I work in the garden |
three times came from outside people to organize for the children's Christmas parties. They saw then usually in a way that it tons of candy, and ice completos was food that there was a lot of dancing and gifts for the children were unpacking. From a friendly woman in the Congregacion the girls a radio and a DVD player have to get paid! Sorry, but there were often such gifts were a couple of hours already broken and lying around somewhere on the site.
children at limbo dancing |
sister Edesma |
also now lives another sister of the Order here in the Congregacion. Her name is Edesma and is expected by mid 70 be. Also it is very nice and if sister Victoria in January returning from their holiday home in Bolivia, living here are 4 sisters.
Christmas |
nativity play |
On 23 December it was called then for the girls' clothes to pack and clean up the Hogar, and in the course of the day then all moved away, so I the only one in the Hogar was left behind. The next day, then have all Tias, the other employees and the nurses gathered in the morning for a "cola de mono." Cola de mono is a self-made coffee liqueur, traditionally served at Christmas and very delicious tastes. In addition there was spice cake "Pan de Pascua", a kind, and then the game was "amigo secreto" enlightened. For this, we had the beginning of the Drawn each month a name and it was then his "secret friend", this one could then write the news, to put candy, without any discovered who his "amigo secreto" is. And then just gewichtelt, and each received a gift from his secret friend.
Subsequently, the employees went to their families and I'm with the sisters the house decorated for Christmas and then we prepare dinner. Ema during the main course, stuffed turkey, served with beans, potatoes and salads, prepared, I make a Griesklöschensuppe and Oeufs a la Neige "for dessert. By 18 clock then the Christmas Mass in the chapel; It will be sung beautiful songs, including "Noche de Paz" (Silent Night). Then we come to "Cola de Mono" and eat nice dinner. After dinner there is mess, I get nice gifts from the three sisters and they seem to be happy about my well. I also got great gifts sent by mail from Germany, about which I'm really happy. So I spend a great Christmas Eve here in Chile - although unlike in Germany and to warm at 20 degrees, but very beautiful.
Friday, December 24, 2010
W.m. Rogers And Son China
As you may remember you can see, I have decided on a project in El Chaco. El Chaco El Chaco is probably because it looks a bit like the great Chaco, which extends over Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay. I go out of Sucre on Sunday afternoon or Monday morning around by taxi or an overloaded minibus to El Chaco. After an hour I'll be there already. El Chaco is just under 2000 meters, Sucre 2800, accordingly, there are several degrees warmer than in Sucre, mostly in their 30s or a bit more. El Chaco is a small, quiet village with a main street where the Trucks and buses along the direction of Cochabamba. In El Chaco live 1,700 people, the majority of people speak Quechua, but almost all young people also speak English. I live in a boarding school with 60 boarding students, a few from surrounding villages, some from Sucre. In the immediate neighborhood is the "Colegio", the school with 400 pupils. The school is based around two basketball or soccer fields and next door to the rectory and the church, which is also the recipient of this school. Incidentally, nearly a third of education in Bolivia does still have the church!
Daily life in El Chaco is as follows: I am usually at 5:30 at the latest by 6 clock, for there is the morning prayer with all boarding students. As already starting my first task: The sleepy heads, which I definitely was before Bolivia also throw them out of their beds. Since there are quite a few difficult cases, where I also ran some water to the bucket must and can make me jump popular. After the prayer, the "Internos" then about an hour long different tasks. Clean bathrooms, picking up trash to clean, feed the pigs, and sometimes even working in the field. My job is to organize the scheduled groups and see that everyone does his work. If more help is needed somewhere, I can help then.
is twice a week instead of work Sport announced. Strangely, these days are the most of itself. Tuesday morning at 6 am in training a basketball team around 2 hours. Fridays at 6 is the football coach from Sucre and we train on the large gravel place. You may remember that you have welcomed me in this team, first as a guest, but I get the new year a player pass and play as a striker even in the league. The breakfast is normal at 7.15 clock, then shifts in sports at 8 clock. Breakfast consists of a slice of homemade white bread and tea, coffee and rice pudding. Bit poor but you get used to it. From 8.30 to 12, the pupils have lessons. Mondays they have to take a bit earlier and set up in rows and sing the national anthem. In this class time I have to now I mostly looked at boarding tasks, such as where there was to fix something or just on the field. From time to time I also visited the social studies and English classes and helped there. Especially in Sozi lessons I've said much about my home in Germany. Most students know little about beyond the borders of Bolivia. After the summer holidays, the end end of January, then I will teach 150-180 students in "Computacion". Which means I'll teach the students with basic Office programs work around it and if after the summer holidays Internet in El Chaco, also provides the use of the Internet to teach.
At 12:30 there is then lunch at the boarding school, the other pupils to eat at home with their parents. There is usually rice, noodles, quinoa (a high protein grain) or potatoes. Since only a limited sum of money for food is available, there is very little meat. Every Thursday, however, a special meal, such as pork or chicken. For this reason I want to grow in the new year even more in agriculture, such as corn, potatoes, onions, lettuce and potatoes, so we do not have to buy these things, but spend more on meat can. have
After lunch, the Students an hour for lunch and 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. they have classes again. By 17 clock then there is tea with a slice of bread. Then there is again to do various tasks: burn field work, cleaning, or waste. Otherwise the student may play football or pursue their leisure activities. Thursdays we train more with the football team and I train on Tuesdays afternoon or a basketball team. Also famous is the weekly student-teacher futsal (football on concrete floor to smaller gates 5-5) game. I usually play with the teachers. By 19 clock to have dinner, usually a soup or rice or noodles again. After that time is learning up to 22 clock, in which the students do their homework or need to learn. Since I run mostly through boarding school and help where there are questions. From 22 clock, all in their rooms and sleep there or continue to learn, for 8 hours later the day is already happening again. In my settling-in period I was much busy computer repair, as far as I could or get rid of fours.
Friday by 14 clock driving the boarders in their villages or to Sucre. Since the weekend there is nothing to do at school and at boarding school, then I go sometimes to Sucre. Sometimes I stay well and help the Padre Juan in the rectory, for example, I set out Taufdokumente, here for work permits and visas for neighboring states are necessary. Or I go with the Padre in the small villages some of which are only accessible on foot river crossing and mountain climb. As the good man is already 61 and I wear then his equipment. At All Saints I accompanied him to 10 cemeteries. All Saints in Bolivia is quite different. The people decorate the graves of their dead with all sorts of things. From vegetables and bread to beer and flowers. remain after the exhibition, then often the whole night in the cemetery and get drunk there. When I am in the morning through the village, most villagers were drunk before their doors on the street.
the end of the year, decided before the summer holidays Head of the boarding school that we will kill two of our pigs for the trade day. The day before it was called then: 6 clock to get up, go for the strongest and fastest guys and a pig that was cut down to catch the rope and bricks. After half an hour we had caught the pig and were able to bring it back in the fenced area. Then again, the teacher who had previously been castrated 3 pigs. Short Sharp pigs are killed with a stab in the heart. With hot water, we peeled off her hair. It was then cut useless and the pig to bleed on the boarding hung (see pictures).
could the next day around 70 people from two pigs be satisfied and celebrate the beginning of the summer holidays. Quite so far it had not, for the following day should be held before a kind of graduation ceremony of the 19 high school graduates. But some officials came from Sucre. Of the 19 graduates will probably have a maximum of 4 to go to university. Often, they also say that they will visit the university and then they help but with their parents in farming. After the ceremony was again eaten well and drunk and I finally took my leave on vacation.
All in all I was well integrated in El Chaco in the early days when there were minor problems. So I'll try a little bit as far as it goes Quechua learn, so I am also with the older Villagers can converse. To problems, such that there are from time to time no electricity or water, I have become accustomed, in which I have a water canister risen. Speaking of water: In El Chaco, there are two rivers. Today it is only a little to see. The two giant river beds are dry and in the middle of a small creek runs in front of him (see photos). 15 years ago were still built on the side dams against floods, but the temperatures rose in El Chaco So on much, causing the rivers are dry today.
came with this problem and the increasing poverty in El Chaco. For agriculture and the cultivation of fruit simply lack the water sometimes. More and more people move to the City where there is no work for them. The best example is El Alto, La Paz and is now actually bigger than La Paz. The town stretches out so incredibly quickly, and can also stretch on forever, because there is enough space. But there is a lack of work and therefore, many speak of a "poor neighborhood" of La Paz To take problems like crime. Throughout El Alto, there are now only 9 working police cars.
Back to El Chaco in Sucre: In the boarding school, there are large differences in parental income. For example, the brother lives on the "Gobernador" (Prime Minister) of Chuquisaca in Boarding school, but there are also students whose parents are simple street vendor. So that other problems come with it, such as hygiene of these students are not accustomed to at home and keep the boarding school not too clean. Also leave their parents the entire education from the boarding school. In boarding school, there is only one boarding school director and myself as a "second boarding boss". At 60 students so this is far too little.
for the new year I've done as much: teaching as teachers, more production in agriculture and thereby improve care in boarding school and organizing a basketball championship with other boarding schools and schools. Let's see how I as a teacher Bolivia will make;) was
That's the first time to El Chaco. Tomorrow will be my trip report and then after Christmas, an article about Christmas in Bolivia. Do not forget to look at my photos under (Album: El Chaco and Titicaca, Peru, Yungas).
Saludos and happy holidays, David
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Lifetime Fitness Lifetime Membership Cost
Bolivia's territorial 3 times larger than Germany with an area of 1,098,581 km2, but only 9.5 million inhabitants. or 8.7 inhabitants per km2. The most popular boys names in Bolivia: Juan Carlos, Jose Luis, Juan. That of girls, Martha, Roxana and Ana Maria. The CO2 emissions per head per year in Bolivia amounted to 1.22 tonnes, while there are tons in Germany 10.7. The Durchnittsalter
is 22.2 years in Bolivia, in Germany, however, we are on average 44.3 years old. Bolivia and Guyana are the only South American countries, where there are no McDonald's. One liter of Coca-Cola here costs € 0.45 in Germany exactly twice as expensive. The Durchnittseinkommen in Bolivia per month per capita gross 82 €, in Germany there are 2500 €. Words in the Constitution: 79 651 in Bolivia, but only 21 826 in Germany. Who would have thought?
Bolivia ranked 3rd Place in the cocaine production with 120 tons per year, in Germany every year 20 tons of cocaine consumed.
Bolivia has been independent since 1825 and has experienced in 150 years, more than 200 coups and coup attempts, which are an average of 1.3 per year.
In Germany there are 23.796 million Internet hosts in Bolivia, the figure is only 105 031st Per year, uses a Bolivian coffee 400g, 6400g, a German.
Bolivia's highest mountain is the Sajama with 6542m in Germany is the Zugspitze 2962nd Bolivia's national bird, the Andean condor has a wingspan of 3.20 m.
Here are examples of inflation in Bolivia:
you interested in more numbers and what you know about it Bolivia and what you would have thought not absolute?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
3d Games Where You Can Get Pregnant
Today I make my lunch with three girls, Estefy, Camila and Gabriela, briefly the way in the city. For in the post there is an action for children from families with low incomes. The children can write letters with a wish to Santa Claus and toss them into the post office in a large box. Other people are reading the letters by then, look for one from them and meet the child at Christmas wish. So then also get children from very poor families a Christmas gift, a beautiful action, I think. And since the girls all live without any family they have a letter written.
We must then again with the police station and where the personal information recorded, Gabriela is examined by a doctor because she has pain in his arm, but this is still more the shock and the pain is later forgotten already. With the two other girls while I wait two hours until we can go back to the Hogar - fortunately with Gabriela's cell phone.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Why Does A Toilet Seat Turn Purple
Gaby has invited me today to worship in their church - in fact typical Chilean. For here is one I make at least the experience of someone you is exploring, always invited into the church.
Gpsphone Pokemon Emerald Cheat
When: Christmas Eve after the Christmas
(about 23:00 clock)
Where: From the square
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Pinnacle 150e/55e Treiber
- a fresh Christmas tree and store until needed in a cool place!
- Place the Christmas tree in a bucket of water.
- up the tree to a possible location tip over.
- Do not install near any heat sources (eg heaters, wood stove, TV). Also avoid using water-filled Christmas tree stand, the rapid drying out of the tree, thereby increasing fire safety.
- Christmas trees are positioned so that in case of fire, leaving the room is freely available. Say Do not place the tree right next door (escape routes). use
- on Christmas trees and Advent wreaths a non-combustible surface (eg glass).
- burning candle burning unattended!
- put sparklers so that they do not touch the branches!
- candles ignite any more if the Christmas tree or Advent wreath has already become thin!
- Before lighting the Christmas tree candles always extinguisher ready (eg fire extinguisher or bucket of water)!
- you alerting the fire department also suspected in fire!
- Never rely on others that have already notified the fire department!
- Notify other roommates in a fire!
- Close the door to the fire room (but not complete)!
- Instruct the fire department!
In your own interest follow these tips and follow to ensure your Christmas Holidays lost contemplative and peaceful. The fire department
Kist wishes all a happy Christmas
Friday, December 10, 2010
Hernia Nuclei Pulposi L5 S1
To Hogar a bit of decorating for Christmas, I have bound together with Tia an Advent wreath. However, I'm hardly in the Christmas spirit as it is here gradually warmer and the "Christmas Markets" here in the plazas are not comparable with the German. It sold a lot of kitschy jewelry items and plastic Christmas trees with artificial snow.
certainly wanted people make the child a favor and do something good - that they, too, on the one side - but the whole thing was somewhat of a Christmas party, especially since the people have really no relation to the children themselves, and one that could invest the money better - for example, new dish towels.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
How Often Does The Body Replace Body Hair?
There was no other option but to unload the packages from the truck, only to reach the back of the cab. The fire department of Wuerzburg and the fire department Eisingen cut out the back of the cab, so was that after about two hours of first-time access to the trapped driver. However, an ambulance could find only death, those of the Oberallgäu man. To clarify the exact cause of the accident was in agreement with the prosecutor, an expert at the accident site.
the hour (09.00 clock) the salvage operations with the help of a crane was still in full swing. As the traffic on the left and middle lane at the accident scene by running to keep up with the disabilities of a traffic jam up to two kilometers, somewhat limited. Both the acceleration lane parallel to the A3, however, are locked until further notice.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
How To Make A Diagramatic Pathophysiology
For the protection of the population, a large number of women in volunteer fire brigades committed volunteers. They are active in a strong community.
women meet us at the same tasks as men. They give some of their free time to help the people who win it in the community quality of life.
Would not this be a way for you? The team from the Fire Department needs your people skills and commitment. Take action: You are on the train!
Source: feuerwehrverband.de
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
How Many Clothes With 60 Dollars
The sirens in the district of Würzburg must be checked to verify the functionality of a sample alert. This is the
Saturday, 04 December 2010 at 11:00 clock
distinction is made between
- "warning of the population" (this are the communities in the 25km radius around the nuclear power plant Grafenrheinfeld affected and
- "to alert the fire brigade.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Trowel Size For 4 X 4 Tile
accidents each year volunteer firefighters, if they go after the alarm on the way to the fire station. Major accidents such as happened, when driven with sheer zeal car or bike or run too fast. Unfortunately, starting with sad, because in the past, in the business field of fire, accident cash even accidents involving death or serious injury.
The 1-minute video clip of "Arrive! . Do not die "shows in a short, concise manner the message that matters: to make it prudent approach to the alarm and the way to the fire station in a prompt, but certainly back down. Finally, the safe arrival at the fire station and at the site ultimate goal. Have deliberately the fire-accident insurers on this issue decided not to create a training film with didactic character. The short video clip is to raise awareness among younger firefighters.
The film was made on behalf of the partners Hanseatic Fire Accident Insurance North and Accident Insurance Fire Center in cooperation with the Faculty of Media of the University of Kiel and the Kiel Fire Department-Dietrich village.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Butterfly 12' Sailboat Rudder
that is installed on this house, a photovoltaic system! "
Please help the fire department ...
print sign and hang it prominently in the entrance!sign for the fire department!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Problems With Pokemon Shiny Gold Beta 4
Time and again the rescue equipment to its limits high-tech steel in the car: it will make vehicles safer. But when it comes to serious accidents, it is for the rescuers from the fire more difficult to free trapped victims. The car body modern cars more often exceed the performance of rescue equipment. Side impact protection, more than 20 air bags and high-strength steel structures provide the forces with ever new, not some insurmountable Hindernisse.Die ARD has devoted a fascinating report on the program "Report München" the subject and with victims and rescuers on the situation experienced in talking.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Male Skinny Jeans Holland
Hola amigos!
Here comes the long-promised next report and this time it really gives a lot of new and interesting information. I once packed my report as a PDF, because I'm not sure whether the very old among you (if I may say so, sorry) to know the workings of a blog. The report is also on my blog: www.david-bolivien.blogspot.com
First the news from recent weeks:
I left my family and I moved together with Luke into my first apartment. Each of us has a private room with bath and we have a very large living room with a hammock and integrated kitchen (not in the hammock, but in the room of course;)). There is also a guest room, just in case other volunteers come to visit us or friends from Bolivia. The apartment is located below the offices of the Fundacion Treveris. Compared to still lives Claudia, a Fellow of the Fundacion. All in all, from a very nice apartment, 15 minute walk from the city center.
went after a few days, but even more with our tour of the projects of the Fundacion. We wanted to Ruben, a member of the Fundacion, in the boarding after Padilla (4 hours from Sucre) and Thiyumayu go (again 2.5 hours more). had on the way out We find, however, that the only road to Padilla because of construction work a few hours is locked. In Bolivia, however, this is no longer a problem. People wait wait, sleep a bit, looking for somewhere to eat and what is a conversation with people. What people would do in Germany for a riot!
In Padilla I had to find the next day in hospital, I had a bacterial infection. I think each volunteer at least once in his gap year ill, thus belongs to the "training" to do so. After one week antibiotic I was completely fit again. For the study, blood tests and different medications, I had just pay a total of about 7 €. Frightening was the fact that I was preferred because of my skin color and within 5 minutes, while people here from Bolivia, where it was apparently much worse than I had to wait forever. Those who can not pay, will not be treated!
Thiyumayu After I came because of my illness will not live longer. A little later we are then set out on our third time being the last and longest voyage. From Sucre to Padilla, Sopachuy, Tarvita, Arzurduy, Monteagudo, back to Padilla and after Tomina. Padilla has since become a stopover for all of us travel to the south. That evening in Padilla was a fiesta in the streets. A Street festival in Bolivia, one can imagine something like this: live band, a few people dancing, food stalls everywhere, a few drunks who sleep on the street its noise and people running around with buckets and distribute alcohol. On such fiestas often chicha is drunk from these buckets with hand-sized wooden Schöffeln. Chicha is a sweet, alcoholic, beverage produced from corn, and stomach problems are inevitable at first Malt Rinken definitely.
In Padilla, we have delivered three large water tanks, because there is often lack of water. The next morning, the tank car and has provided water. Fish included! : D Man
the water should boil it before then anyway.
Next, we went to the girl boarding school in Sopachuy. Sparkassen balls have pointed out here that probably at some point must have been a volunteer from Germany. In Sopachuy we went swimming in the river and were able to wash there too. On the same evening we went even further Tarvita. We have been decorated with confetti and streamers and welcomed. After eating the boarders then led to different songs and dances, then we had to themselves, "Quecka" dance.
arrived the next day in Arzurduy, we met first on Pablo. Pablo (as he is called in Germany? Paul?) is a German amateur treasure hunters from Bavaria, together with detector and flies each year for 2-3 months to Bolivia and looking after all this possible. So far he has not found much yet. Evening in the boarding school was then, as always, on our arrival a cultural fiesta, with the only difference is that Luke and I were also asked what spontaneously perform or sing from Germany. We are really nothing of that! Does anyone have any idea what to do because if I am asked again? : D
The next day we went on to Monteagudo, which is climatically very different. It is very interesting from the highlands to the lowlands to drive, suddenly there are rivers of water, green vegetation and it is significantly warmer. After we passed many herds of cattle and had also run over a dog and not a pig, we were finally boarding the huge San Isidro in Monteagudo. Monteagudo itself is a city of perhaps 10,000 inhabitants. In the boarding school has over 300 chickens, 10 cows, 1 pig, along with beekeeping bees, a small yogurt factory and a carpentry shop. In the boarding school I could finally make myself useful. 60 chickens were slaughtered, plucked, cleaned and the next day sold in the market for good money. Immediately afterwards there was chicken soup, and before you know it floats, but because of it all a little foot! This is actually all animals eaten and not thrown away.
The pictures of the chicken slaughter I have already uploaded.
The next day was extremely rich culinary. Breakfast in the boarding school, second breakfast in the restaurant and that soup with corn and pork, beer can not miss, of course. Lunch at the boarding school again. Tea and bread in the boarding school and again tea and bread at the Padre. First dinner in the boarding school, I was already at the end and just wanted to sleep. Then we were even invited to a grill in the city. Meanwhile, I think I eat two to three times as much as before in Germany.
On the way back we again had to Padilla, for there a wedding, where we have come under the Chichatrinken " were invited. After this trip we took once again a few days of regeneration in Sucre.
am I finally ended up in boarding school in El Chaco and will stay there. This is very close to Sucre, about 45 minutes by taxi. Luke is at boarding school in Arzurduy (8-10 hours) before I went to El Chaco, was still my host sister Ania (Anja) on the world. My host dad came just in time from Germany again, where he served for 3 weeks and visit me again supplied with Haribo
The Druffy (mini bus) with 25! People I went to El Chaco and started to settle me. In the mixed boarding school, about 70 young people, is right next to it to school, where about 400 students are. In El Chaco, it is very warm, usually about 30 degrees. It is not far from Sucre, but it is a little lower, so there is more vegetation. The boarding school also fields and pigs. There are two rivers in a can bathe and wash clothes, the other is contaminated. My duties are very different: Once I help with everything that is present in the boarding school life. From baking bread, cooperate in the field, take care of the computer, make sure that young people go to school on time, etc. Also I make sure that everyone does his work. For example, bathroom cleaning, trash pick up or serve food. These are divided weekly new groups. Also, I can also work well in school. As a computer teacher to help as coaches and referees in basketball than politics and history teachers, as well as in English class. Because the students and often teachers are not necessarily so enlightened as we in Germany can I make a major contribution. My goal is that Hitler and Podolski / Ballack not the only ones that know the students from Germany. In the coming weeks, starting in the earliest years goose step, the theme of "World War". It is certainly not easy to prepare for this difficult subject in English. I will try as little as possible, but concise and the most important to convey. If someone has to good teaching materials (in German), he can let it get to me very much.
I also would like to see here any more its not just throw garbage into the environment. This is a common problem in Bolivia. The nature here is so beautiful and the people throw them out without saying anything on the streets. Public trash can only be installed if they are indestructible, because otherwise they will be removed and used elsewhere to private. This is not only unsightly but also pollutes the water a few what it is here.
is at least El Chaco Maybe at the end of this year to be clean.
The daily routine in the boarding school is as follows: 5.30
clock: morning prayer and brief discussion
6.00 - 7.15 Clock: Harvesting and other specified tasks, time for
7.15-7.30 clock: breakfast alternately tea or coffee with a slice of bread
Up 8.20: shower , washing, etc.
8.30-12 Clock: Clock instruction
12.15 lunch break then
14-16.30 Clock lessons
days depending on free time or specific tasks, for example on the field, or bread baking
19 clock dining, boarding school is shut off
19 - 22 clock homework, learning, sometimes common activities such as music, movies look
22 clock sleep
I still have my times, where students in the class will complete look with tasks and what still needs to be done in the boarding.
The first day I've ever taken care anyway for a laugh. We wanted to make a fourth picture with self-timer. When I wanted to run fast into the picture, I sat down in an irrigated field. Images in this Annex in the collage!
I usually work Monday-Friday because Fridays the students go home to their parents. Sometimes I will remain at the weekend in El Chaco and the Padre to help in its work. I am still out of reach in El Chaco. There is no internet and no mobile phone network. The antenna is already installed and should actually receive the most 15:10 start. Let's see when it finally goes off then.
In the first week I've also gained practical experience in the time directly castrate pigs. Who wants to know not to fly, the best short this section
One need 3-4 people. A "surgeon", which makes one of the teachers. Then a few people that catch the pig, and hold. And perhaps someone who is watching that the other pigs are not aggressive. Without anesthesia, the pig is then castrated and then sewn with a thread and still disinfected with a spray. For me it was the first time to see pretty disgusting, but here is the normal. would be in Germany the most cruel treatment.
In El Chaco, Sucre and I've met many nice people. The Father, with whom I work knows Germany and is therefore a good contact. In his rectory I can come and go whenever I want, I even get my own key. During the week he is not present, but he has a housekeeper, and if I'm also should be hungry, they will take care of me. So I'm supplied.
live most of the teachers at the school during the week in El Chaco and the weekend in Sucre. The coach of the football team is a former professional soccer player from La Paz and Sucre. In his team, I can train with, although I am of course grottenschlecht comparatively, because the guys playing here for years and damn quick.
from this ex-football players I've been invited to dinner at his house in Sucre. I also met on a trip to Sucre a German-speaking Bolivians. He has spent three years in Germany and has very much for what I'm doing here is interested. With him I have exchanged numbers and was also invited to dinner at his house in Sucre. A grandson of him would love to study in Germany and he would like to introduce myself to him.
you can see, it builds very quickly many contacts and is then invited to dinner more often. The next few weeks I will Once in the project and spend just before Christmas, there will have holidays. Who here has travel tips for Bolivia and neighboring countries, let me know!
The appendix but a little collage of photos from El Chaco, all my photos here:
How you like my photos and my reports? A feedback via email or as a comment in the blog would be great, so I know whether I should go on or whether I should change something. That's it now for the first time from me. Greetings in the world, contact your
PS spelling and logic errors, I apologize, I write this not in one piece and check it still does not then again, this is missing my time. Ok I admit it, I simply do not feel on it! : D
Dyshidrotic Eczema Treatment Blogger
Dear supporters and friends!
I have written a new report. It is located in the Annex, PDF, who can not open it, can read it on my blog: www.david-bolivien.blogspot.com or I can send it as a Word document.
all my pictures are seen on the following link: http://picasaweb.google.com/ohlig.david
The latest album of pictures from my boarding school is located here: http:/ / picasaweb.google.com/ohlig.david/ElChaco03? feat = DirectLink
Thank you for your support!
greetings to Germany probably autumn J
Your David
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Driver For Sd Storage Card
found on 01.10.2010 at 17:30 clock instead of a first in Kist. For the first time the performance review "The group in the delete operation" with the new vehicle HLF 20/16 is filed.
county fire inspector Winfried Weider stressed the conclusion that the young team is committed to using a stable support of the military.
also Volker Mayor Faulkner thanked the participants who had prepared themselves with great commitment and time spent on performance audit.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Manual Artic Cat Panther
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Can You Cheat Atm Machines
Hola dear friends all over the world!
I've just updated my blog again and it's worth a look look!
Best wishes to you all from Bolivia!
Your David
PS I ask for opinions and comments;)
Pasta Electric Steamers
Hola dear friends,
has now again changed a lot in Sucre. All other volunteers have traveled to the language course in their projects throughout Bolivia. Apart from Luke, who is also working with the Fundacion Treveris and me is now just another volunteer from Hildesheim in Sucre. In addition, volunteers are from Aachen, who have nothing to do with the partnership of Trier and Hildesheim and Bolivia.
What is in the final weeks of the course and the days after that happened:
In the last week I had the course, so to speak freely storm. My host family was in La Paz, to say goodbye to my host father, who flew from there to Germany. So I had to make a lot of time observations are in Sucre
it an escalator in modern supermarket, however, few people use them here. From time to time people come over to practice the upgrade on the stairs and then this happens sometimes accidents.
The next unusual happened to me in the pool. Suddenly, the pool ran around a man who held the head of an ox in his hand and was bleeding still fresh on. Apparently he had just slaughtered a bull and swimming pool right in front of the meat would now sell to the pool visitors.
was in the last course a big party week here in Sucre. The Entrada. Wednesday was the birthday of the Virgin Mary. Here in Bolivia, each department of his own Virgin. There is the Virgen de Guadalupe, which is celebrated in the Entrada Folclórica. It runs Sun Weeks and months before the start of dance and music groups to practice on and that actually every night on the road. Then there is the weekend before a dress rehearsal, even that is in itself a Riesenfiesta. This Wednesday there is then an open-air Mass and a procession of decorated cars with fruits, vegetables, animals and every conceivable kitsch. Friday starts the right party. On this day the dance groups from the country and from school are on the road. Each dance group has mostly before or behind a band or a music car. On Saturdays it is seamlessly with the dance group from the university and professional dance groups in Bolivia. The groups dance for hours into the night by 2-3 Clock. Sunday morning dance single groups again in the morning from 8 clock. The diversity of the costumes is very impressive that the music is not necessarily because it is similar to hymns and marches usually when the groups dance and you get a catchy tune. With the alcohol, it runs like this: Officially, the dancers must not drink, but are usually drunk when they arrive at the Plaza (the parade). If you have a drink in hand, it belongs to other zuzuprosten to drink something and then pass on his glass. I have seen the Entrada at the Plaza. You have a piece of roadside or buy a place in the stands. Actually, the most expensive places in the plaza but somehow we have clean cheated us. My voice teacher said, we would have been on television with the comment "The young people here drink a lot." Whether that's true I do not know.
the Thursday before the Entrada weekend I took a road trip on the country. Has never before been riding it was taught to me within 20 minutes and then it was also going on already, and through the first city out into the country. There were a few awkward situations where I nearly passed, but I'm still alive. Whether the little pig that I have approached still alive I do not know. The streets here are running around all sorts of animals. I have goats, bulls and pigs and dogs who run meets next one and we must be extremely careful. Overall it was a great tour, because I have met for the first time the country here.
had the weekend after the Entrada I have three days off. Luke and I went to Potosi, the highest city in the world, about 3 hours from Sucre. There we stayed with other volunteers and were in the mines. Potosi has silver deposits that were exploited earlier by the English. At times, Potosi was the richest city in the world. When you see the mines, you know how it is possible that such a resource-rich country like Bolivia, is now so poor. We had a four-hour tour with a former miner. Previously, we have in the market of miners still Coca and drinks for the miners bought. In this market there are dynamite and buy 96-percent alcohol, mixed drink or use to disinfect the miners. In the mines for over 8 million people died (more here: ). Today, the miners are still working with simple materials and under very poor conditions. They join together in small communities, but there is no cross-union. A community has a respective boss. Work is 7 hours a day, 6 days a week. Children 13 years working here. Without Coca endure the torments the workers would not. I've yet they felt unwell. 85 meters deep in the mountains there, concentrated, and exposed to toxic gases, sometimes totally hot, then really cold. The miners working during the tours continue as normal and you hear the dynamite explosions. The crazy thing is that you can talk to the nice Mineros and may invite them to Coca or something to drink. The miners are very proud of their work and tell them happy. We met Diego, one of the chief, who has worked for over 20 years in the mine. He said that he his work very much and he would never change.
went to Sucre back Luke and I will not coach, but a taxi. This is faster but costs twice as much (the equivalent of about 3-4 €). Once you reach the taxi stand and also a Touri is right all the taxi drivers rush on one and before you know it you're sitting in a taxi.
was now part of the Touri my stay in Bolivia ended. I will be with Fundacion Treveris (Trier) work. This is a German-Bolivian Foundation in Sucre, which is equipped with funds from BDKJ eg through the clothes collection. It maintains over 40 Lanschulinternate here in Chuquisaca, where most poor children and young people live off the land during the week. I visited with my boss already three projects near Sucre. Poroma, Luje and El Chaco. Overall, I can choose from five boarding schools: Poroma, El Chaco, Monteagudo, and Tarvita Arzurduy. Apart from Luke, and my boss also 4 students have traveled with us. We went by jeep. You drive by the time of dry rivers and rocky roads. Proper roads are just too many projects or Places. It is quite normal that you get people entrains the road, but our car was already with 7 people and two of them in the trunk full. Poroma is a small boarding school with 45 young people and also very poor. If I'm going to work here must adapt to low hygiene. On the day we were there it was at a certain time no more water. There is electricity, but any internet or mobile phone network. The Internet has a few animals a very small garden but next door is a huge football stadium floor. fit in as much as people here do not live across Poroma.
The next day we made a short stop in Luje also a boarding school of the Fundacion. It will be reviewed by the students all the time and there is always something to eat. Even a quick game of football played, it was off to El Chaco. El Chaco is a large boarding school with 70 pupils. How could it be otherwise, first there was lunch. Then we got a tour of the Internet from the "head boy" or a kind of Captain. In El Chaco, there are football and basketball teams. My duties here would probably then be a lot of sports, give computer courses, to help in the garden and help with homework. El Chaco is only 45 minutes from Sucre and the streets are paved completely.
Next week I visit Thiyumayu and Padilla. However, these boarding schools not in the list. Then it's for a week after Tarvita, Monteagudo and Azurduy. Then I have to choose a boarding school, where I want to live and work for one year. But I have more boarding schools will be visiting, so I have seen the end of the year as possible all at once. After all, that's my job to represent Germany and contribute to intercultural understanding.
In the next few days I will move into my apartment and leave my host family.
Once it is where I work, is also my official newsletter. Photos of the projects, Potosi, the Entrada and the motorcycling come soon.
Finally, a few statistics on this blog: Total page views
Germany 1436
Bolivia 90
United States 22 France 18
Australia 13 Canada 11 Spain 6
Denmark 5
Luxembourg 2 Switzerland 4
Where are you all haunts ... ;) Uses times the comments more often: P
Monday, August 30, 2010
Broken Capillaries Face Causes Toddler
Sunfish Sail How To Make
I'm a bit back and forth considering how I can bring in as a blog entry order and 've decided to refrain from any order, and simply write down what ever comes straight to mind and seems worthy of mention. So I do without it every day and every week to tell you exactly what I did, but more telling of funny experiences or interesting phenomena.
There is also nothing new in itself: I still every morning language course at noon after eating too much usually a short siesta, then free time. English is better soon, meanwhile I laber also increasingly easy for people and have a chat to be better in English. But as I anyway think I have learned that my available range of projects all Quechua, regions, I learn even important words in Quechua (one of 27 languages in Bolivia, that there is and I think to English the most spoken): for example : Chaqui means-as much as hangover (the hangover), an important word here.
always noon time. That is chilling in a cafe on a hillside overlooking Sucre, in the Plaza de Mayo 25 chill or go round on the markets. eat
evening after much too much (but good), read after then something (to my family: it is the truth, I have thus begun to totally voluntary;) do you think non-ne), or chatting with the family? , play with the children or ...
Sun gelabert enough, it goes the next two weeks, once more, stop on the weekend for a couple of trips or other program with the other volunteers.
For you Germans good news: you are totally environmentally friendly, since the following happened here after my first impression: almost anywhere public trash can, in some places Just big garbage heap. Fast-absorbing only fuel cars, some even from England, where the speedometer is still right and the steering wheel and pedals have been converted to left, but only in passing. Well today I had at any rate a little culture shock at the following experience:
I am sitting in the micro (bus), next to me a father and his two children about 2 years old. The children here often drink out of plastic bags juice, milk, yoghurt drinks, etc. But without straw, but just straight from the bag, which I do not think so hygienic, because the chewing on it ever since rum. In any case, the two boys on the bus so parts as they were empty then, has an older lady was sitting in the ever-open door, the father of the parts kindly removed and they just threw into the street. Maybe I'm wrong, but in Germany that would be funny or not?
The next problem is that I myself also throw everything on the floor. At first I was still trying to find trash, but usually without success. Clever as I am of course I had there was the idea with the trash bag, but I have no desire to run around from morning to night with garbage.
is the nearest small culture shock that the children here've been playing with a few years all sorts of PC games that are in Germany aged 16 or over 18. Just as I was told it is probably the Movies. Only somehow it seems the kids here in contrast to the Germans not to hurt my feeling.
goes after the course with me then so on: 13-September 18 From
I'm going to visit four available projects, as well as other projects of the other Fundacion Treveris. After that, I'm beginning to think one more week and then I work. The projects are (for Google Earth enthusiasts who want to look for it): El Chaco (45 min of Sucre), Poroma (2 hours from Sucre), and Tarwita Azurduy (do not know exactly how to write those last two do I removed 8 and 10 hours from Sucre).
Since I had stopped at this point to continue writing, I had a real culture shock. On the weekend we were in Yotala and had a short seminar on the health aspects, etc. In the city I met a man who looked at me with a grin and asked where I come for. On the answer Alemania "I got a question answered if I was for the son of Hitler, and whether we had come on foot to Bolivia. I think this older man has never left his village right in his life and has asked whether we had come on foot, not meaningless. Then it can also easily check if these people are informed in any way, and know little or nothing about the story (or as it now looks elsewhere in the world). About the Nazi period, I also have often talked to taxi drivers, some people want me to give pleasure by speaking with me to Hitler. But not any more so you are informed of Bolivia, as the people here about Germany, I'll write a little bit about what the country, but really very little, if you want to know more, buy the best, "Robert Lessmann: The new Bolivia ". At this point, so all who have no desire to read info on Bolivia to stop.
Bolivia is therefore at the heart of South America and since the Pacific War, the only one without sea. On the Human Development Index it is ranked 113, the last-placed South American. Bolivia is on the area three times the size of Germany, but only about 10 million people live. Namely from 36 different ethnic groups with 27 different languages, most speak English, Quichua or Aymara. Since Evo Morales in power, Bolivia is also defined as a plurinational state. It consists of 9 departments, whereby Bolivia can be divided into three geographic zones: Altiplano of the Andes (with the departments of La Paz, Oruro and Potosi), the high country, the exact name's on the tongue, but they do not want to get out. These include the departments (Cochabamba, Chuquisaca and Tarija where I am). Finally, the lowlands with the departments of Pando, Beni and Santa Cruz. In Bolivia, there are 98 provinces, only 329 municipalities. Major cities are Santa Cruz (1.6 million), El Alto (a higher level slums of La Paz, but actually a separate city with 910 000 inhabitants. Only then is the government seat La Paz, 877 000. My city of Sucre, the capital, has only 281 000 inhabitants. Bolivia has many resources: natural gas, zinc, crude oil, gold, silver, soybeans, tin, and of course the largest lithium reserves in the world at the Salar de Uyuni, but which is not exported in large quantities, however, all industrial countries behind these lithium deposits. because who knows which drive the cars of the future or managed.
Many people think Bolivia is an Andean country. That may agree, but the lowlands share is more than twice as large. We are already on politics. For political differences are similar to the geographical differences. By and large there are two political camps: the highlands to the lowlands and Media Luna (half moon form the States Pando, Beni and Santa Cruz). So practically a East-West conflict. Since 2005, Evo Morales, former coca grower, was elected as president. After years of suppression of neo-liberal politicians, the great hope of the locals. The electoral victory of Morales is the extent to which locals have something positive, because they have gained by more recognition. Morales success can certainly emulate the following aspects: participation of the indigenous Population about democracy, poverty and the definition of a plurilateral State. Negative other hand, appear far, the reactions in education. Whether the strategy behind it, the people on purpose to keep "stupid" I do not know. Morales in 2009 was re-elected with large majority (60 percent). However, he has set, the Constitutional Court suspended, and since he is in power, the Coca cultivation is increasing enormously. Contradictions are severe penalties for drug abuse and the funding of public funds by drug money. Corruption is another thing here, of course, I'm sure that will happen to me that too. Morales has polarized the country enormously. The opposition exists de did not, or has withdrawn facto. Nevertheless, there is an enormous country split between the rural and the urban population and between low and high country. In the three media luna departments attended the richer part of the population, because there is oil. Morales has up to now, however, clearly placed on the side of the Andean population and therefore is not president of all Bolivians. That it is not hard enough to govern peacefully to 36 ethnic groups, further polarized Morales. Some even talk of megalomania or claim to be preparing a dictatorship from 2015, when he may no longer govern before. Clearly, however, also currently there is no alternative to Morales. And a democracy without Opposition can not function properly. Either the people are for or against Morales, what else is not. The economic situation: Morales has nationalized companies and was able to profit, that Bolivia receives for the raw materials increase. Inflation is at 20 percent, but not as often reported at 2-3%. Whether the overall economic situation has improved or deteriorated so rather, I can say that. Inflation is getting the poor people here feel enormously in prices. Bolivia has previously been declared as failed state, that is as ungovernable country. So that is not the truth, must allow Morales, the opposition to put the responsibility on the shoulders and wider establish quasi in Germany as a federal state. In addition, he needs a functioning communication to its base.
The situation is still very opaque to me and I do not know what to believe. Festival, the country is divided is very deep and there are always clashes. Morales big task it is the country not more, to separate. It might work or end in a civil war.
So now had enough of politics, so all in all it is exciting times here and I am trying to create an online photo album, so you see what you can from it.