Monday, August 30, 2010

Broken Capillaries Face Causes Toddler


Here are the first pictures from Bolivia. There are uploaded two albums on Picasa: First as slide shows, one from La Paz and Sucre out. Below are the links to it. I hope it works, most times writes as a comment if it works. Thank you!

la paz


Sunfish Sail How To Make

I'm a bit back and forth considering how I can bring in as a blog entry order and 've decided to refrain from any order, and simply write down what ever comes straight to mind and seems worthy of mention. So I do without it every day and every week to tell you exactly what I did, but more telling of funny experiences or interesting phenomena.

There is also nothing new in itself: I still every morning language course at noon after eating too much usually a short siesta, then free time. English is better soon, meanwhile I laber also increasingly easy for people and have a chat to be better in English. But as I anyway think I have learned that my available range of projects all Quechua, regions, I learn even important words in Quechua (one of 27 languages in Bolivia, that there is and I think to English the most spoken): for example : Chaqui means-as much as hangover (the hangover), an important word here.

always noon time. That is chilling in a cafe on a hillside overlooking Sucre, in the Plaza de Mayo 25 chill or go round on the markets. eat
evening after much too much (but good), read after then something (to my family: it is the truth, I have thus begun to totally voluntary;) do you think non-ne), or chatting with the family? , play with the children or ...

Sun gelabert enough, it goes the next two weeks, once more, stop on the weekend for a couple of trips or other program with the other volunteers.

For you Germans good news: you are totally environmentally friendly, since the following happened here after my first impression: almost anywhere public trash can, in some places Just big garbage heap. Fast-absorbing only fuel cars, some even from England, where the speedometer is still right and the steering wheel and pedals have been converted to left, but only in passing. Well today I had at any rate a little culture shock at the following experience:
I am sitting in the micro (bus), next to me a father and his two children about 2 years old. The children here often drink out of plastic bags juice, milk, yoghurt drinks, etc. But without straw, but just straight from the bag, which I do not think so hygienic, because the chewing on it ever since rum. In any case, the two boys on the bus so parts as they were empty then, has an older lady was sitting in the ever-open door, the father of the parts kindly removed and they just threw into the street. Maybe I'm wrong, but in Germany that would be funny or not?

The next problem is that I myself also throw everything on the floor. At first I was still trying to find trash, but usually without success. Clever as I am of course I had there was the idea with the trash bag, but I have no desire to run around from morning to night with garbage.

is the nearest small culture shock that the children here've been playing with a few years all sorts of PC games that are in Germany aged 16 or over 18. Just as I was told it is probably the Movies. Only somehow it seems the kids here in contrast to the Germans not to hurt my feeling.

goes after the course with me then so on: 13-September 18 From
I'm going to visit four available projects, as well as other projects of the other Fundacion Treveris. After that, I'm beginning to think one more week and then I work. The projects are (for Google Earth enthusiasts who want to look for it): El Chaco (45 min of Sucre), Poroma (2 hours from Sucre), and Tarwita Azurduy (do not know exactly how to write those last two do I removed 8 and 10 hours from Sucre).

Since I had stopped at this point to continue writing, I had a real culture shock. On the weekend we were in Yotala and had a short seminar on the health aspects, etc. In the city I met a man who looked at me with a grin and asked where I come for. On the answer Alemania "I got a question answered if I was for the son of Hitler, and whether we had come on foot to Bolivia. I think this older man has never left his village right in his life and has asked whether we had come on foot, not meaningless. Then it can also easily check if these people are informed in any way, and know little or nothing about the story (or as it now looks elsewhere in the world). About the Nazi period, I also have often talked to taxi drivers, some people want me to give pleasure by speaking with me to Hitler. But not any more so you are informed of Bolivia, as the people here about Germany, I'll write a little bit about what the country, but really very little, if you want to know more, buy the best, "Robert Lessmann: The new Bolivia ". At this point, so all who have no desire to read info on Bolivia to stop.

Bolivia is therefore at the heart of South America and since the Pacific War, the only one without sea. On the Human Development Index it is ranked 113, the last-placed South American. Bolivia is on the area three times the size of Germany, but only about 10 million people live. Namely from 36 different ethnic groups with 27 different languages, most speak English, Quichua or Aymara. Since Evo Morales in power, Bolivia is also defined as a plurinational state. It consists of 9 departments, whereby Bolivia can be divided into three geographic zones: Altiplano of the Andes (with the departments of La Paz, Oruro and Potosi), the high country, the exact name's on the tongue, but they do not want to get out. These include the departments (Cochabamba, Chuquisaca and Tarija where I am). Finally, the lowlands with the departments of Pando, Beni and Santa Cruz. In Bolivia, there are 98 provinces, only 329 municipalities. Major cities are Santa Cruz (1.6 million), El Alto (a higher level slums of La Paz, but actually a separate city with 910 000 inhabitants. Only then is the government seat La Paz, 877 000. My city of Sucre, the capital, has only 281 000 inhabitants. Bolivia has many resources: natural gas, zinc, crude oil, gold, silver, soybeans, tin, and of course the largest lithium reserves in the world at the Salar de Uyuni, but which is not exported in large quantities, however, all industrial countries behind these lithium deposits. because who knows which drive the cars of the future or managed.
Many people think Bolivia is an Andean country. That may agree, but the lowlands share is more than twice as large. We are already on politics. For political differences are similar to the geographical differences. By and large there are two political camps: the highlands to the lowlands and Media Luna (half moon form the States Pando, Beni and Santa Cruz). So practically a East-West conflict. Since 2005, Evo Morales, former coca grower, was elected as president. After years of suppression of neo-liberal politicians, the great hope of the locals. The electoral victory of Morales is the extent to which locals have something positive, because they have gained by more recognition. Morales success can certainly emulate the following aspects: participation of the indigenous Population about democracy, poverty and the definition of a plurilateral State. Negative other hand, appear far, the reactions in education. Whether the strategy behind it, the people on purpose to keep "stupid" I do not know. Morales in 2009 was re-elected with large majority (60 percent). However, he has set, the Constitutional Court suspended, and since he is in power, the Coca cultivation is increasing enormously. Contradictions are severe penalties for drug abuse and the funding of public funds by drug money. Corruption is another thing here, of course, I'm sure that will happen to me that too. Morales has polarized the country enormously. The opposition exists de did not, or has withdrawn facto. Nevertheless, there is an enormous country split between the rural and the urban population and between low and high country. In the three media luna departments attended the richer part of the population, because there is oil. Morales has up to now, however, clearly placed on the side of the Andean population and therefore is not president of all Bolivians. That it is not hard enough to govern peacefully to 36 ethnic groups, further polarized Morales. Some even talk of megalomania or claim to be preparing a dictatorship from 2015, when he may no longer govern before. Clearly, however, also currently there is no alternative to Morales. And a democracy without Opposition can not function properly. Either the people are for or against Morales, what else is not. The economic situation: Morales has nationalized companies and was able to profit, that Bolivia receives for the raw materials increase. Inflation is at 20 percent, but not as often reported at 2-3%. Whether the overall economic situation has improved or deteriorated so rather, I can say that. Inflation is getting the poor people here feel enormously in prices. Bolivia has previously been declared as failed state, that is as ungovernable country. So that is not the truth, must allow Morales, the opposition to put the responsibility on the shoulders and wider establish quasi in Germany as a federal state. In addition, he needs a functioning communication to its base.
The situation is still very opaque to me and I do not know what to believe. Festival, the country is divided is very deep and there are always clashes. Morales big task it is the country not more, to separate. It might work or end in a civil war.

So now had enough of politics, so all in all it is exciting times here and I am trying to create an online photo album, so you see what you can from it.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Project Report Sample


Hola mis amigos in Alemania,
Here is now finally a long blog entry, I'm usually very busy and rarely come onto the Internet. I try everything that happened so far is to write down as possible in chronological order. So
on 10th August all started at Frankfurt Airport. Apart from my parents along with some friends from school and basketball to my departure to the airport had come. Was a great thing, guys! Thanks again for that ... The next few hours I skip once and summarize: 19 hours flight time to La Paz, but more than 30 hours travel time. Total compensation destroy us the view of El Alto and La Paz in the approach. All cases were there and I even got enough air (at 4000m). A delegation of the Hermandad (a kind of partnership between the Commission Trier, Hildesheim and Bolivia), volunteers received last year and the host families from La Paz us. Then we take a taxi only good times 500m downhill run from El Alto to La Paz to believe but on this main road, people jogged from La Paz to El Alto HIGH. For me, the amount made by headaches and reduced efficiency noticeable going to say after a few meters, I got very out of breath. In the evening we were still eating (7 people full menu and drink a total of approximately € 25-30). After I had been frozen one night total (about 0 degrees) then the next day we had a meeting with all 19 volunteers (12 Trier, 7 Hildesheim is even more of Mainz and Aachen, but are not part of our partnership). On the way to the meeting drove el presidente Evo Morales over with police protection. At the meeting, we were welcomed and bla bla bla. Afternoon we went to a lookout point on a cathedral with a Padre who was interested in very active for the German girls. The deeper one goes from El Alto to La Paz in, the richer the environment (you can see in white houses). Evening was still a welcome service with the Archbishop (Most people are very religious here, 80-90% are Catholic). The service is very different here. During the sermon a cell phone rings, the bishop said only: "What a beautiful ring - maybe it was" What a fucking ring tone "as well as I can not even English. After that was a fiesta with dancing, etc.
Saturday was the last day for 9 volunteers in La Paz there were still a couple of political information on Bolivia, which I leave here now gone, which come in a "Blog Special" or so ... maybe a few things about La Paz, which are particularly struck me: There are few shops, as we know it, most of them are stands on the sidewalk. This work also has some children, as they clean shoes or sell Kitsch stuff on the streets. Traffic in La Paz seems chaotic, because everywhere people walk between the cars and you think that the wrong must go. But I have no accidents have seen here in Bolivia. I myself am going mostly by bus for the equivalent of 10-15 cents, which can be thought about as old as the amino school buses (the yellow part with mostly friendly legroom). There is no bus schedule, but the buses run constantly and stop when you lift the arm (so you can all get on and off).

So now you go out from La Paz to Sucre. The trip took almost 18 hours and although the Flota. These are coaches who are as comfortable, as we know it in Europe. Because Potosi was blocked at the time of the tour due to strikes, we had to go through Cochabamba, hence the long travel time. The coaches are the usual transport if you travel within Bolivia. It is advisable in any case to consider is an emergency plan for the toilet, because our bus driver was eight hours sometimes not easy and there was no toilet on board ...
In Aquile, a town along the route gave me a woman her daughter, "offered ". As a blonde-haired Europeans, one applies here as well off and is also the women most popular and is actually looked at forever. Well ... was funny.
Then we finally are finally in Sucre arrived. Once in the host family, there was food Lama. Hard to believe, but I ate habs. My host family consists of: Christian, works as a coordinator of a kind development project and, like his wife Maria (hopefully so ever, the mumbling the name is always so ...) is actually a doctor. Maria is seven months pregnant. The two children are called Gabriel, 10, and Diego, 6 years. Sucre is a beautiful city, even now in winter it is 20-25 degrees. It is manageable in size (300,000 I believe) and especially not as busy as La Paz (Also, more than 1000m deep, which makes the thing). In the evening I'm still on a few beers with my predecessors and other volunteers left. The beer here is actually the way, as good as the German. In the beginning, everything is pretty cheap by German standards, but now after almost 2 weeks I've changed me a bit and find some things to too expensive, although they are just a few Euros. The next day I had the first course, and I am the only volunteer in Sucre, who still can not speak English or have never had English in school. The language teacher is very entertaining, a mottorradfahrender macho cowboy. Meanwhile, I can have a little talk in English, and somehow I'm so in most cases. That evening there was a Begrüßungsfiesta in the Fundacion Treveris, my "employer". As was then danced neatly Quecka, a local dance here. For the first time I've seen my house: there I'll be living with Luke, a Mitfreiwilligen, as if I am on the weekend in the city. The apartment is huge, each of us has a bedroom with bathroom and there is also a guest room with bathroom. Then there is a large room with kitchen and living room. There is a telephone, Internet, television and all you need be it. Hammock, of course, there are, of course. I
The next day I brought the kids to school and picked up and spent the afternoon after the language course with a few people in a cafe, located on a hill where you have a brilliant view has over all of Sucre. Wednesday I was a bit sick, but at night I still helped with my host father and his Colombian friend, a Canadian and a half-German wife coming from Uruguay during the move. If that is not even inter-cultural exchange ...
Thursday night, as always in the morning language course, then I was on the mercado negro, where there are genuine clothes at good prices (and this here is already expensive, but as I have with an original Germany World Cup jersey for the equivalent of € 15 bought). In the evening I got together with Christian and his colleagues played indoor volleyball and then we had another drink. As we waited for our food at a diner, suddenly came to an estimated 60-70 year-old cook with me and began to dance on Bolivian music. About 30 people look inspires us to ... an ... hurray
On Friday I was back on the market, here it is really anything from scrap metal right up to good things. Second hand items are there as well as counterfeit clothes.
Saturday I went to a large supermarket shopping: There are even Haribo and chocolate. My salvation! Sometimes I go even taxi because buses are often full and I standing there not fit. Meanwhile, I've been here two taxi drivers and friends who greet me and every time they see me. Taxi ride costs 4 or 5 Bolivianos, ie by approximately 50 cents. Until now I was not ripped off, where there have already tried a few people. Saturday night I was the first time here in the disco. Disco's most happening Only in this way from 1 clock and then takes up in the morning, where one is then asked to point out once the darkness. Well in the disco as blonde-haired Europeans, that's something. All eyes are focused on you and you do not have long to wait until you asked to dance (although that is the job of the men here actually) is. Here they dance mostly in pairs, male and female, that is not in the circle or more. It runs the same music as in German discos, also sometimes local music. The next morning, after actually hardly sleep, we went in the church and then we have something to eat outside boar down. Trier today was even in the newspaper of Sucre, because of the car rally. I write soon to be a little bit about the current situation in Bolivia and then also get the first pictures of La Paz and Sucre. Muchos saludos to Germany!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mixing Bentonite For Pond

Current Report

comes ... in the next 2 days. When finished writing, but must be uploaded yet. If I'm in times like now my home, I forget, of course, take the text ... There are also about 2 pages .. Schonmal much: I'm so happy to now well

Friday, August 13, 2010

How To Get Shiny Raquza In Emerald

live in a kind of monastery, the first 3-4 days with 8 other volunteers, the others are in host families. we travel on the weekend about Cochabamba to Sucre and then go there in our family. at the moment everything is still not quite sure because there are riots. here in la paz, it is also cool, the road is a real conversion, everywhere pedestrians between the cars, but somehow happen here after my first impression is fewer accidents than in Germany .. at night it really clean cold during the day it is at about 15 degree sun and nice. The view is fantastic served, especially during landing, it was great. The height can be noted that so far it's just less powerful and fast is out of breath. at night also gets a dry throat. and somehow I'm really tired always hope they considered the next days: D so now
have lunch, still sorry for my spelling, the keyboard is weird and internet cafe under time pressure is shown non better. by the way have a cell phone where I can be even called (call soon itself), reports the number you if you need via email or facebook. haut rein;) arrived

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Can Canned Broth Expire


estate in La Paz, freezing cold here (especially at night around 0 degrees or slightly under it), stark views of the city, on weekends it goes for some on to Sucre by bus language course. No time to write more now, more coming soon. First final pressure: Geil!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Katie Playground Harcore

test mail

Dear supporters and friends!

Today it that far. At 19.20 clock is my flight to La Paz, Bolivia. Thanks for the great support and response that it has been on my flyer. With many I could already speak in person, whom I have not seen, I would like to thank again. For those who think Flyers have not yet or no longer have him, he is again in the notes as a PDF.

Here is the address of my blog (somewhat meager, but he has yet to be filled):

There is also a comment form below the blog entries, You shall use the can and you (goes without registering). Also you can send me also happy to respond to a circular letter to my mail, it may still take some time until a response is coming, but she comes;)

to a good time,

Your David

Monday, August 9, 2010

Honda Pilot Rear License

Last day! Packing is an ..

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Nintendo Pointsgenerator

three days!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

David Bailey Morecambe And Wise

5 days!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Piano Sheet Music For Mountains
