Monday, April 26, 2010

110cc What Size Plug Does It Take

Halli Hallo,
a sign of life again later, it takes forever to me I can overcome this to squat down at the computer and actually write something.

lot has changed since the last blog entry (which in other respects also the first from El Rancho was!).
Kate, The German volunteers, had finally got because of strong pain in the abdomen a medical certificate to have to be immediately flown to Germany so they can be treated there. Her flight was canceled but then thanks Eyjafjalla .. Now she lives in the meantime with friends in Wellington and tried - again with medical help - an emergency room to get on a plane, so as not to 4 May have to wait ... we'll see how it goes on.
Even Sally, another German volunteers who actually listens to the name of Salome, left the camp. Last Saturday she went with Lex on a road trip up to Auckland, New Zealand, where she spends the last days. Thursday flies them to LA where she is still a week and then she's in the springtime Germany.

This is just the beginning of changes is ..
Levi and Grace will leave us in late April, since leaving their summer contracts (yes, we had once summer [southern hemisphere and so!], Even if one of them will notice not much ..). Grace on 16 July, Ines (our Bolivian volunteers) to Bolivia and voluntieren fly out there for a rough year. Levi, however, will spend the summer in northern hemispheric America, where he works in a Christian camp.

What else is there still so new? Kids Camp Easter and I will discuss another blog entry, otherwise I would not meet the entire be.

Well .. I am reminded again and again friendly: The number 80 is, ladies and gentlemen! EIGHTY! As long it will take (in days) until I'm back home. Incredibly, when I think about how I felt as I walked through my room the last time and a year yet so infinitely appeared!

I enjoy my time here .. I learn a lot about me, about what I like and rather less like what I miss who I miss. Of course, I already came to the thought: Emigration? Why not? Even if I knew exactly that I first would not sign up with VoX that line about "Let's get out" or "We are emigrating!" and 2 would It definitely will not be easy. Man (or as I have learned .. I may be generalized so do not just) missed the home .. but not because of local advantages or disadvantages, no. Man (/ I) missed the people. His parents, as annoying as they may be had at some point, the best of friends, the brother, the nice man in the chocolate business in the city.

However, it is an experience I can recommend to anyone. Studies can wait, the world is stressful enough. Sometimes I ask myself what is the point at all to study, to work in a job that brings in a lot of money. I experience here is that although money is necessary (how much I think about it, is another matter ..), but definitely not this is what I believe is important. As far as I can bring this attitude with me to Germany to be seen.


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