Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Female Westjet Pilots

autumn service assembly inspection area West - Impressive figures

an impressive report on the activities of volunteer fire departments in the inspection area Würzburg-West could make county fire inspector (KBI) Winfried Weidner at the October meeting service. Nearly 120 commanders, leadership ranks of the local militia and the mayor accepted the invitation in the Margetshöchheim Margaret Hall followed. Even in the welcome thanked the host, Mayor Waldemar Brohm the present Florian disciples for their extraordinary commitment and reminded that behind each number using a person's fate. It then put KBI Weidner before the impressive figures of the previous reporting period. He was particularly pleased that the number of active team of 29 and have risen for the youth fire brigade at 7 comrades. Weidner encouraged the militias continue to operate as consistently youth work "Whoever has the youth, the future belongs". In the area of deployment figures, a slight increase recorded, especially the 16 "first responders" (helper on site) Groups provided here at just under 700 missions qualified first aid to humanity. Sorry, had to be rescued from the interventions in total 10 people dead. Eight in serious traffic accidents and one in a fire and a water rescue operation. Most missions provided the fire department Zell am Main with 168, followed by the military from Margetshöchheim with 145 and Uettingen with 127th The area of training was not neglected, despite the high use load. There were again a number of courses of respiratory support to training for commanders and also the location of training. A total of 1099 firefighters were women and men-schooled. Weidner was particularly proud of the high number of participants in the fire protection. Under the leadership of honor county fire Inspector Edwin Döbling in 1866 children, pupils, parents and senior citizens were informed.
Kreisbrandrat Heinz Geissler informed in the report including on the special support of the Bavarian Ministry of Interior for the exchange rates of assistance (spreader / shear). After earlier assistance rates of new vehicle technologies show no or hardly any effect, the purchase will be eligible. In the district there are 62 such sets, but is funded only a year a procurement by the Free State, which in the words of Geissler "is not satisfactory." He would like his role as District Association President to use and bring about a change of funding. Even with the introduction of digital radio, there are some inconsistencies, so this is currently delayed. In particular, the high level of network operating costs to the county in future with 100.000, - € charge for additional costs. Geissler rants could tell from the planned district-wide respiratory protection and training center in Liberec (Klingholz) and presented the plans for this purpose. This will take place this year, the ceremony, so that in the near future a modern care of the 500 respiratory protective equipment should be carried out in the county.
In his opening address told the manager Würzburg's Fire Department and also Vice Chairman of National Association, Chief Fire Officer Franz-Josef Hench of the latest changes in the driving license system and the development status of the integrated control center. In the October meeting
service was adopted by KBI Weidner also a long-time commander. Thomas Kist grains after 20 years of service in February this year resigned. He was presented in appreciation for his extraordinary commitment is Florian statue.
Finally Winfried Weidner thanked all involved in the training aids, particularly the commander and district fire chief. But the mayors and municipalities for the excellent technical equipment, the militias, despite partial tight budgetary positions in some municipalities.

Facts and Figures inspection area Würzburg-West:
(covering the period 01.11.2007 - 31.10.2008)
• 26 volunteer fire departments in 18 communities in the western district
• 1419 active firefighters, of which 151 women
• 347 Respiratory protective devices support (-5)
• 167 first-responders, with 16 firefighters
• 23 fire departments maintain a youth fire brigade, here are 250 youth fire fighters trained, including 54 girls
• 1442 inserts (+ 25), including 88 fires (- 35), 1257 Technical Assistance (+ 25) , 49 false alarms (+ 8) and 48 Security Guards (+ 5)
• 52 performance tests with 314 participants, 146 participants fire fighting and 168 Users Technical Assistance
• 30 young people participated in the youth performance test in part (-20)
• 162 young people participated in the knowledge test in part (-3)
• 7 About local emergency exercises
• 3 training courses on rescue train of DB AG with 100 participants

Report Jungbauer Björn
Photos: Annual Jungbauer Björn


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