autumn meeting service Inspection West Area - Impressive figures
Margetshöchheim - BJB
an impressive report on the activities of volunteer fire departments in the inspection area could Würzburg-West county fire inspector (KBI) issue Winfried Weidner at the October meeting service. Nearly 120 commanders, leadership ranks of the local militia and the mayor accepted the invitation in the Margetshöchheim Margaret Hall followed. Even in the welcome of the host, Mayor Wayne Brohm the present Florian disciples thanked for their outstanding commitment and explained the importance of volunteers in a practical example: the First Responder of the local military were alerted to a heart failure after Erlabrunn and were able, thanks to the quick arrival and the equipment of a defibrillator saving of lives.
then put up the impressive KBI Weidner Figures for the previous reporting period. He was particularly pleased that the number of active team has increased by 19 the number of candidates decreased in the youth fire brigade of 22 comrades, Weidner therefore called on the militias, continue to operate consistently youth work "Whoever has the youth, The future belongs ". In the area of application numbers, a slight increase was noted. "Especially the 16" first responders "(helper on site) Groups provided with 177 trained volunteers qualified first aid to humanity," said Weidner.
general, there was in the inspection area Würzburg-West statistically, thus every day operations handled 4.23 be. Most missions provided the fire department Zell am Main with 169, followed by the military from Margetshöchheim with 156 and Waldbüttelbrunn 149th By way of example, he reports from several house fires, which called for the militia in particular.
The area of training was not neglected, despite the high use load. There were again a number of courses of respiratory support to training for commanders and also the location of training. Weidner was particularly proud of the high number of participants in the fire protection. Under the leadership of honor county fire Inspector Edwin Döbling here in 1849 children, pupils, parents and seniors were taught in 364 hours. "This is an important pillar of prevention work, "Weidner thanked the eight fire prevention educators.
Kreisbrandrat (KBR) Heinz Geissler informed in his report, among other things, the changes in the performance review "technical assistance", which apply from next year. He also informed about the ongoing discussion of the future of the fire schools. Of course, allowed the great theme "Digital Radio" is not lacking in this case, the fire brigade to the conversion, however, a little time. According to the Ministry of Interior to Lower Franconia be connected to the grid by 2013, this Geissler sees as very ambitious goal. Rants could Kreisbrandrat of district-wide Respiratory protection and training center in Liberec (Klingholz) report. This has recently been completed and there is to begin in the next few weeks, the contemporary care of the 500 respiratory protective devices in the county.
reported in his welcoming speech, the Head of Würzburg Fire Department and also Deputy State Association Chairman, Chief Fire Officer Franz-Josef Hench from the expansion of the state of the integrated control center, which is affiliated with the Fire Department and is to commence in the near future the company.
At the meeting were of KBI Weidner also adopted many years of leadership ranks. Manfred mirrors Waldbüttelbrunn presented after 12 years of service to be Office as the 2nd Commander down. Ronald Friedlein, six years 1 Commander and six years before second Commander of the Fire Department put Hettstadt also resigned. After he was recently resigned as district fire chief gave Holger Seubert adopted from Altertheim. They all were handed in gratitude for their extraordinary commitment is Florian statue.
Finally Winfried Weidner thanked everyone involved in training the workers, particularly the commander and district fire chief. But the mayors and municipalities for the good technical equipment of the militia, despite partial tight budgetary positions in some municipalities.
The visible image, the adopted management ranks in the inspection area West: From left to right: KBI Winfried Weidner, Holger Seubert, Ronald Friedlein, Manfred Heinz Geissler mirror and KBR.
Facts and Figures inspection area Würzburg-West:
(covering the period 01.11.2008 - 31.10.2009)
• 26 volunteer fire departments in 18 communities in the western district
• 1438 active firefighters, including 170 (+19) • 357 women
Respiratory protective equipment rack (+10)
• 167 First Responders, fire services at 16
• 23 fire departments maintain a youth fire brigade, here are 238 youth trained fire fighters, including 52 Girls
• 1546 inserts (+ 104), 133 fire (+ 45), 1311 Technical Assistance (+54), 50 false alarms (+ 1) and 52 security guards (+ 4)
• 37 performance tests with 253 participants, including 103 participants fire fighting and 150 Users Technical Assistance
• 40 young people participated in the youth performance test in part (+10)
• 143 young people participated in the knowledge test in part (-19)
• 7 on local emergency exercises
• 4 training at the rescue train of DB AG with 103 participants
Report and pictures: Jungbauer Björn
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