successfully completed four fire-mates and 24 firefighters to train as a "party man Part 1 and Part 2" in the inspection area west of Würzburg.
The students of firefighters Eisingen, Uettingen, Remlingen, Upper Altertheim, underaged home, Oberleinach, Unterleinach, Kleinrinderfeld mediated and Kist received in the 120-hour basic skills training for the fire service in theory and practice.
The course took place in and around the fire station of the FF Kist. Could also individual training topics such as dealing with portable ladders, on the grounds of St. Joseph's pen, and handling of emergency scissors and spreitzer at the company Hammerbacher be held in Eisingen. The fire fighting with fire extinguishers has been practicing on an open area in Upper Altertheim.
is well trained, the participants of a theory test consisting of 50 questions each man squad for Part 1 and Part 2
further subjected to the trainees a practical test consisting of two individual tests and a group test.
After the test, all participants the best wishes of KBI Winfried Weidner
and the Academic Director KBM John Sieber, as well as products for the successfully completed course
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