Friday, August 13, 2010

How To Get Shiny Raquza In Emerald

live in a kind of monastery, the first 3-4 days with 8 other volunteers, the others are in host families. we travel on the weekend about Cochabamba to Sucre and then go there in our family. at the moment everything is still not quite sure because there are riots. here in la paz, it is also cool, the road is a real conversion, everywhere pedestrians between the cars, but somehow happen here after my first impression is fewer accidents than in Germany .. at night it really clean cold during the day it is at about 15 degree sun and nice. The view is fantastic served, especially during landing, it was great. The height can be noted that so far it's just less powerful and fast is out of breath. at night also gets a dry throat. and somehow I'm really tired always hope they considered the next days: D so now
have lunch, still sorry for my spelling, the keyboard is weird and internet cafe under time pressure is shown non better. by the way have a cell phone where I can be even called (call soon itself), reports the number you if you need via email or facebook. haut rein;) arrived


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